
I need to learn what you know.



08-14-2024, 07:43 PM

Uruk absorbed Asa's words like a sponge, his mind racing to keep up with the new concepts she was introducing. Situation awareness - knowing the terrain, the weather, even the sound of the birds - these were details he had never considered useful in a fight. But, as Asa spoke, he realized how crucial they were. His previous battles had been driven by raw power, but there was more to being a true fighter than brute strength.

As they cantered away from the stench of death, Uruk's mind continued to churn. Asa's metaphor about the river struck him. He understood it - how letting anger cloud judgment could lead to mistakes. He nodded slowly, committing her advice to memory. He had a feeling.. he would need it.

"I see now," he said, more to himself than to Asa. "It's not just about striking first or hardest. It's about waiting for the right moment, seizing opportunity, and letting the enemy's mistakes be their downfall."

There was utter respect in his gaze as he looked to Asa, eager to apply what he had learned to his next encounter. His eyes stretched out over the knolls; they were like a rolling sea of green, dotted with large hill-shaped mounds that rose and fell with the rhythm of the land. Each mound was covered in thick, lush grass that seemed to glow with a life of its own, whispering secrets of the past to those that would listen.

The air was thick with the scent of rich earth and fresh grass, mingling with the distant echo of hoofbeats. The Knolls seemed to stare back at him with a reverent stillness, as if the land itself was watching, waiting to see the one that would claim it as their own.

[ 3/3 Received a fighting lesson from another character (Asa) ]
[ 3/3 Explored a new land (Buffalo Knolls) ]
