

Medusa i


5 Years
03-11-2013, 09:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2013, 09:12 PM by Medusa i.)

Oh, what a comedy they had going on here. Three beautiful woman all vying for one another?s attention, and the man sitting to the side. Medusa supposed he knew that he was more than welcome to watch; the show was free, after all. She accepted Jupiter?s affections, adding her own little nip onto the other?s neck for emphasis of her enjoyment. Her ears perked up as the ruddy-furred woman described that she?d won a pack. "Oh my. Next you?ll be bringing me propositions of marriage," she teased. She listened further, grinning. It sounded like an ideal place; plenty of wolves without strict morals for her to prey upon, for her to hone her skills of seduction. Not to mention that she already had its alpha ready to eat out of the palm of her hand in a sense. Well, maybe she and Jupiter weren?t quite that close yet, but Medusa had clearly gained some sort of affect on the Ludicael wolf.

"I do not believe you could ever fall out of anyone?s taste, my dear. That would not be the problem; the problem is I simply desire many tastes at once," she whispered back, nipping at Jupiter?s ear as she did so. Her voice was loud enough for the others to hear, but she had no shame behind such a confession. "But, my dear vixen, would it be fair to not hear what our other guest has to say? Though you pose a most tempting offer," she stated, looking over at Gerhardt and almost wishing to giggle in a sense. He was openly staring at the three of them, although Medusa didn?t know what he wanted anymore. Even if she was playing games now, it was clear that the night-cloaked woman favored Ludicael. Would he leave, or was he content to continue watching? Or was he, perhaps, hoping to pull the ebony female into his pack?
Medusa listened to Jupiter address the white stranger before adding her own remark. "Perhaps we can have our own fun if you would join us, my angel. I?ll do whatever you like," she preened. Medusa had been trained to be completely servile, after all; even if she was supposed to use it on those with power, she didn?t mind allowing her training to be used otherwise. Regardless, she couldn?t help but be filled with a sort of lust looking over at Brinshana. Oh yes, a night with her would most definitely be interesting.