
Sneezies and sniffles

Alo and Bunni



Master Hunter (280)

Expert Healer (145)

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-16-2024, 05:54 AM

As the small stranger addresses him with bleary pollen covered eyes, Jiro wonders if he's suffering from the same affliction. His nose scrunches up and eyes squint through the itchy bouts, even clamping his teeth together to try and prevent another sneeze. While his symptoms didn't see as dire as the wolf in front of him, he still couldn't deny the runny nose or urge to rub incessantly at his eyes.

"All I see is this yellow dusty stuff floating around," Jiro comments as he takes a look around the flowered field they were in. "You think that has something to do with it?" He questions, brushing just a bit of pollen from the bridge of his nose. Unfortunately, the action causes the hairs in his nostrils to agitate and another sneeze whooshes from him. Taking a quick step backward so he isn't blowing germs all over the other guy, he gives a hesitant smile.

"If you got it and I got it, it must be something," he muses thoughtfully. If it was the pollen that was stirred from the flowers and potentially other plants, maybe if they went somewhere else it would help. Or even washing their faces... "Not sure what it's called though, but it's not fun," Jiro tries to hum, but his dry, itchy throat only forces him to cough and his eyes to squint. Ugh, whatever this was was not fun!

"You think if we go wash our faces in that stream over there, it'll help?" He lifts a paw in the direction of the flowing water that can be seen through the cedar trees. From here, he can hear the rush of the falls tumbling over rocks and perhaps even the flop of fish heading upstream.

word count: 291
total: 1115 / 1500

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1. Sneezies and sniffles Cedar Falls 08:06 PM, 07-11-2024 12:58 PM, 08-26-2024