
I am not afraid to keep on living




Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Extra large
08-16-2024, 06:38 AM

The koi wolf's paws were slick with morning dew as he padded along a narrow ledge, his amber eyes narrowed against the biting wind that swept through the fjord. The towering walls of the cliffs were like intimidating, their jagged edges cutting into the sky, creating a harsh and unforgiving landscape. His breath was at a pant, each exhale a testament to the exertion that left his muscles trembling with fatigue. But Keito pressed on, determination in his heart as he knew he had to make it back to Tojo-Kai, back to his family.

Every step was a test of balance and strength. The rocks beneath his paws were treacherous, slick with moisture and as sharp as broken glass. The inclines were steep, forcing Keito to dig his claws into the ground for purchase as he climbed higher. His ears twitched, alert to every sound around him, aware that this rugged terrain was home to more than just the wind and the sea.

As he rounded a bend, the sharp scent of sweat and musk hit his nose, and Keito's muscles tensed instinctively. He knew that scent - mountain goats. Sure enough, a trio of them stood perched on a rocky outcrop ahead, their eyes locked on the young wolf with a look of challenge. Their coats were thick and white, yet still somehow they looked natural against the rocks around them, but their eyes gleamed with the fire of creatures that had survived this harsh environment for generations.

Keito crouched low, his instincts urging him to stay submissive and mostly hidden, but it was too late. One of the goats - a large, burly male with twisted horns - let out a bellow that echoed through the fjord. It was a challenge, a warming, and Keito felt his hackles rise in response. That was the only threat signal the goat needed.

With a sudden burst of energy, the goat charged down the slope toward Keito, hooves clattering against uneven stone with ease. Keito braced himself, his eyes wide with fear as he watched the herbivore attack him - something he had never experienced in his short life. At the last moment, Keito leaped down from the ledge he was on to another stone below. He landed hard, his paws skidding on the loose gravel, but there was no time to recover. The other two goats were moving now, their eyes as they joined the fray.

Keito's heart pounded in his chest as he darted forward, teeth bared. He aimed for the smaller of the two goats, hoping to separate them from each other, but the beast was quick, and nimble despite its size. It sidestepped Keito's lunge and delivered a sharp kick to his side. Pain exploded in Keito's ribs, yelping as he would attempt to retreat again.

The goats pressed their advantage, forcing Keito back toward the edge of the cliff. His paws scrambled for a foothold, and for a terrifying moment, he felt himself slipping. But - then his claws found purchase on a patch of moss and he pulled himself back from the brink, eyes wild with his fear and adrenaline.

[ Fighting Seasonal - Spring Year 21 : 520/1,500 Words ]



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1. I am not afraid to keep on living Faller's Fjord 06:38 AM, 08-16-2024 01:28 AM, 08-20-2024