
The bones that I broke

Open Spar



Advanced Fighter (115)

Novice Intellectual (20)

1 Year
Dire wolf

Pride - Nonbinary
08-16-2024, 09:24 AM

Even if Herajika's attack wasn't much of a deterrent, it was still something, and Seiko quietly congratulated the little antlered cat on her quick thinking. Maybe in time the two of them could train together and figure out how to best align their abilities to become even stronger a team together- truthfully Seiko hadn't expected her to even join on on the battle but if she was interested in working together in that way, Seiko wouldn't deny her.

The larger cat seemed to have rightfully anticipated Seiko's attack, shifting just enough so her shoulder fell right into the young wolf's parted jaws. Instead of being met with flesh, instead they found a mouthful of leather. Instead of trying to bare down into the armor instead they jerked backwards and their jaws snapped shut, trying to quickly find their next move.

There wasn't much time to think though before Graive lunged forward, slashing her claws down her shoulder. The pain wasn't too intense, but was rough enough for Seiko to reel backwards and begin to stumble. The momentum was enough that their balance was nearly disrupted, though they tried to overcompensate the stumble by adjusting the way their weight was resting.

They weren't willing to lose this fight so quickly. Their cat companion had pulled away, attempting to make a wide circle around Graive, and then she moved to strike again - Seiko would try to move in unison, slinking low toward the ground and once again aiming for one of their opponent's forelimbs.

Seiko vs Graive for Spar
Round 2 / 2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Companion 1: House Cat, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Antelope Horns - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Note: Seiko is biologically female, but they identify as nonbinary (they/them pronouns).
Their companion - a female tabby cat with antlers, named Herajika - is often hanging around.