
Feel the fear in my enemies' eyes.




Beginner Hunter (0)

Advanced Fighter (60)

6 Years
Large species
08-16-2024, 11:22 AM

Raumr ventured away from the ladies that day for a bit of explorative fun. Allowing them time to bond and get to know each other was important without his presence there. Females would always need their female time together, that much he understood. So here he was, prowling the sloping hills covered in sparse grass and massive bones. At first, he had thought they were elephant bones because it was by far the only creature he knew to be so large or perhaps even a whale, but these seemed to envelope even that of those large beasts.

His interest is pulled toward a skull when the ground begins to slightly tremble beneath him. With his calm peace broken by the sound of a scrabble, his eyes scan the surrounding land. He doesn't notice it at first until the form of a wolf reels backward into his view. A gasp leaves him as the sight of a very, very large komodo dragon propelling itself toward the wolf leaves his own heart racing and adrenaline surging. There was no way the canine would be able to fight this reptile on her own!

Without a second thought, Raumr surges forward toward the duo. He releases a fierce roar toward the clawed reptile to distract its attention toward him instead of her. Once the dragon is facing him, hissing loudly and flashing its tongue at him, Raumr lowers himself and begins to circle the beast. "This thing will be hard to take down," he calls out to the wolf, eyes not daring to glance away from her for fear the reptile will use it as an opening. Instead, he searches for the best place to attack. Keeping it focused on him, he tries to pinpoint where its weak spot would be.

Raumr Regalus, the Third
table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Feel the fear in my enemies' eyes. Fossil Ridge 09:37 AM, 08-16-2024 05:12 PM, 08-22-2024