
move like this, bite when I tell you to

Nik & Atticus/First Mission



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
08-17-2024, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2024, 01:32 PM by Érebos. Edited 2 times in total.)

É R E B O S .

first to come is Atticus. a rather elegant, easy flowing member of the dunamis clan. thankfully, he needed no directing for the time being. fully capable of understanding what was needed and appreciated from the patriarch. "Atticus. I hear you and Enyo are training together?" he is pleased, offering the proper male a brief nod of approval before Érebos's attention swarms the figure of the smaller Nikolaos. erected ears catch Nik's obvious attempt to appease him, listening to their words as he rose to his paws, towering above the slinking frame of nik. his eyes hardened while watching the submissive brother with slight, bubbling odium. but the patriarch is not easily roused, finding Nikolaos's behavior in the past to be a nuisance at most. "Nikolaos." his voice was deep and booming, accompanied with a dangerous growl that seeped from the cavernous cage of his chest. he ignored the superficial compliment, face empty but rigid as he watched the male crawl near his paws. instinctively, Érebos asserted himself, his tail coming to wave over his back like a banner in the air as he awaited the male to rise on his own. "I will pardon your scene at the borders of insomnia." he said, baritone speech sailing over the tighter air. "Yet make no mistake Nikolaos, I will not take anything less than quintessential again. You represent the dunamis. And until you take your own hold in boreas, you represent me." every word was laced with poisonous blame & threat. his patience for the brute was thin.

he sat himself slowly, gaze glancing back to Atticus as he began to discuss the main topic intended. "I wanted to discuss my plans with you both, as I'll be sending you two on a mission for me." he cleared the guessing. "Bast as acquired some information-, a farmers market festival has taken place in west boreas." he informed them, his eyes glancing between both brothers. "I want you both to find out who owns the territory." he paused, ears swiveling as he kept himself alert. "Blend in. Do not cause trouble," his icy glare shot at Nikolaos before he added, "and keep yourselves focused on the task. Do not screw up. Especially you Nikolaos. I will not pardon your casualties again." he warned them, eyeing both brothers as he rose to his paws again, seemingly concluding the meeting. "Bast will guide you there. Any questions?" he hoped Nikolaos would use this opportunity to smooth over the tension they had.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
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