
Boys Don't Cry - The Cure

Vesper, ?


Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
08-17-2024, 09:25 PM

His eyes danced over hers, suddenly confused about her fear, he was about to brush it off as part of her current drugged experience when she apologized and pleaded, she didn't want to be alone... She clutched his paws and her paws were frantic and chilled from her fear. She didn't want her own den? He carefully led her to her cot, but quietly sat down next to her, off the cot, on his elbows. He was here, he wasn't going anywhere. Not while she was desperate for company in her state. He was surprised she wanted his company. He was still feverish, but the hallucinations were gone. His body still ached and for sure it would take some time for him to recover fully. Maybe it would be best if he laid in a cot out here, keep an eye on her...

She started talking, telling him exactly what happened. He kept his breath even and subtle, but couldn't help the quiet hitch when he learned of their no doubt very real threats against her. She was strong, she was so... traumatized. Welcome to the job Ollie, Mister Trauma Specialist. He watched her fall asleep and carefully placed one of the blankets over her. Good, the tinctures were working. He sat and watched her for another moment. He wasn't even sure what he was thinking. He was just lost in a fog of duty and grief.

Haggard, and sick he made a large vat of tea. He hoisted a few jars of it over his shoulders, tied with twine, and began to deliver it to the afflicted. He glanced at Vesper before he left the den, knowing he'd come back, but not knowing if she'd be breathing when he did. He takes the tea to his father first, then to each member knowingly afflicted. Every time he needed to restock he would watch her for a moment in the doorway on his way in and on his way out. Good still breathing.

It was a cure of sorts. It was a supportive tea that would help them recover quickly and not spread this dastardly disease, giving them hallucinations. This would combat the worst symptoms and help the afflicted rest and recover. The diseased meat and other products were all cleared away and they all knew what to look for if they came across it again.

The Armada was on its way to recover from this strange blight.

When he was done delivering the news and tea, visiting the patients, and telling them he'd be back with more tea tomorrow, he quietly dragged one of the cots of the clinic, a bundle of furs really, closer to Vesper's bed. Not completely side by side but closer. He flopped onto the furs with a flump. His eyes watched her closely until he started to fall asleep too.

