
Well I'll Be Damned

Aria I


12-18-2013, 12:29 PM
ooc: Not sure if Haku knows about Song taking over Ludicael now, so I will leave this as Aria doesn't know anything at the moment.

Aria Corvi

Carefully the woman would move through the ruins, ears listening carefully, green orbs looking over the area around her. Aria was hunting, looking for a decently sized boar for her and Haku, mostly for the man to help him bulk back up. She stopped, an ear swiveling to the side, body crouched low to the ground, close to the stone wall where she was hidden from sight of her target. The animal had stopped to munch on something. She was close enough to strike, it was now or never.

Body would tense up the relax, shoulders rocking back and forth, the woman taking in a quiet breath. Then she was off! Body was thrown forward, eyes locked on her target, within three strides the animal took notice of the danger and with a squeal it bolted. 'Oh, no you don't!' She growled as the beast made a sharp turn around a pillar, Aria in hot pursuit. Paws drummed against the earth, heart raising, blood roaring in her ears. She moved like a cheetah, limbs moving at a steady speed, not more than four feet behind the boar no matter how hard it tried to shake her.

Suddenly it dived beneath two pillars that had collapsed on each other, only leaving enough room for it to get through but to a larger animal like her. 'No no no no no!' She inwardly hissed in frustration, afraid she might lose it just when she nearly had the creature. Aria wouldn't give up so easily though, just before she got to the pillars the woman would push with all her might off her back limbs, jumping into the air, and sailing right over the stone. 'Got you!' And just like that she would land atop the boar, head turning, jaws grabbing hold of the back of its neck, not letting go even as the two crashed into the ground.

Within seconds it was over, the boar ceased its squealing, Aria trying to give it a quick death after all that work it did. After a few moment she would release her hold, breathing heavily as she pushed herself up onto all four, dipping her head to the animal. "You did well, I will not waste that which you have given me." A silent thanks to the life. With this over Aria would lift her head and give a short yet smooth howl for her mate, telling Haku she had made a kill.


Awesome table by Mie <3