
move like this, bite when I tell you to

Nik & Atticus/First Mission

Nikolaos Dunamis


Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

2 Years
08-18-2024, 03:04 AM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2024, 09:05 AM by Nikolaos Dunamis. Edited 2 times in total.)
Nico despised this, he despised being spoken to as if he was less than, as if he did not matter. It made him feel small and incompetent and quite frankly he did not feel that Erebos deserved such a display from him. He did not deserve to be submitted to. Niko only did it because he knew what would happen if he did not, he would be cast out and rejected. For a creature that loved adoration and attention the idea of being cast out from the Dunamis family filled him with dread. It would be the end of him. He supposed he had not taken his father’s commands seriously, he had not and still did not respect Erebos the way the others did and yet that was what he needed to do to survive. He glanced between Atticus and his brother, he was hoping that coming to this land would give him some freedom yet he was starting to realise he was still in a cage. It had simply changed slightly.

He kept his demure and submissive posture, his body and face betraying nothing of the negative emotions he felt. He would play their game, do as they wished and then lie in wait until one day, one day they wouldn’t make him feel small anymore.

”Forgive me brother for my display” he said, his voice taking on a more serious and regal tone, in line with that of his two brothers. ”I had forgotten myself in that moment, having been surround with the family I trust so for so long I did not think about the fact that we were representing” he dipped his head at this, showing remorse.

He lifted his head at the mention of a mission. Enthusiasm filling him, until he heard Atticus’ comment of course. He shot Atticus a hurt look, but he knew better than to say anything. It had been made very clear why he was not preferred yet in a way he supposed he appreciated the golden child’s second chance.

”Brother, I am grateful for this second chance” Niko said, ”I shall remember our mission and make the Dunamis name proud.” His serious tone gave way to a brief smile and a wag of his tail.

Words: 375
Skills Claim: Intellect 2/3