
you're just going to have to go with the flow




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

3 Years
08-18-2024, 03:34 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2024, 03:37 AM by Valkeyrie. Edited 3 times in total.)
The medium female trekked across the land, her luxurious black fur reflected the light in a varying array of cool toned colours. She had come straight here from the mines where she had barely escaped with her life after finding the glowing worms. She was not injured yet the experience while terrifying at the time had given her an interest in exploring hidden areas. One her way she had cautiously picked across the edge of a battlefield, not wanting to be pulled into any scuffles that could have possibly being going on. The scent of blood had been strong. Then she had crossed what too seemed to be a battlefield, yet this one seemed more ancient and so she had not problem moving across it. Sure nothing would happen.

Now she had reached a terrain that was covered with grass and boulders, she grinned to herself, knowing she was where she wanted to be. Somewhere amongst the stones and boulders was an entrance to cavern that she had travelled here to see. Her walk was calm yet determined as she searched for the beautiful yet deadly cavern. One would think that after her recent escapade in the mines she would not be willing to venture back into a dark enclosed space but apparently this enclosed space was not dark. A fact that intrigued her.

As she walked a scent caught her attention, and she glanced around. Her eyes falling to a massive brute of a creature standing atop a hill ahead of her to the right. Her head cocked curiously at the creature; this land was fascinating. It seemed to be filled with gigantic wolves, she had never seen so many large wolves before in her life. Her own frame seemed miniscule in comparison to the creatures she was coming across. The piebald creature sat, seemingly listening to the birds. It was not often that one met another who seemed to have interest in nature.

The monotone female changed her course, making her way towards the seemingly calm giant, once she reached her she spoke. ”It is not everyday that you see one enjoying the company of birds” she said, her voice calm. Her body showed little emotion yet if one were to look closely enough one would see kindness in her eyes.
Navigation 1/3 (Glowshroom Cavern)
Intellectual 1/3

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1. you're just going to have to go with the flow Glowshroom Cavern 12:27 AM, 08-18-2024 10:05 PM, 09-14-2024