
Glub Glub


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
08-18-2024, 01:41 PM

A voice called out from the mainland and Kaino thought, just maybe, it would be someone with a bit of sense on their skulls that would teach the horrid child some manners. In the end, it was a grown as wolf that also needed to learn some manners. Absinth accused Kaino of harming one of "her own" and then spat some threats. Oh... Oh honey...

The child forgotten in lieu of it's mother, the lavender and smoke fae picked her way back to the beach where Absinth stood. The threats were naught but words and words were naught but wind. "You would do well to teach your children some humility and obedience," the Emira growled out in return. Kaino came in close to Absinth, invading her personal space enough so that their gazes could lock. There was a seriousness in Kaino's gaze that wasn't usually there. This would be an important lesson.

"What if she had run into Sephiran instead of me, hmm? Or Cifa?" The bob-tailed woman queried, her brows shifting for a moment, a visual plea for Absinth to consider what may have happened. "Do you think you'd even have a child to fight for if that happened?" Sephiran had killed the mother of his own children. There would be no stopping him if he felt slighted. Even by a child.

"You are not a Saxe, nor is Aresenn. You don't understand how fine a line there is between 'spirited' and 'disrespectful.' Consider this a lesson from your Emira," She reminded the black and white fae of her position within the pack, "on how to keep your children alive. They must know the hierarchy and they must show humility to their elders or they won't be long for this world. Not this Saxe world." Kaino leaned in closer still, her voice soft enough that the pup wouldn't hear. "If I wanted her dead, she would be dead. Others wouldn't teach her such a lesson. They would simply dispatch her and she would be food for the crabs at the bottom of the Sound." Absinth had seen the corpses of the fallen. She had seen what Sephiran had done to his own woman, his own brother. How on earth could she think a child, not even related by blood, would be treated any different?


Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]