
Baby, I’m Giving You The Mommy Issues

Scalysia Birth Thread


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

08-18-2024, 02:26 PM
Ely looked down at her daughter as scald explained that she carried his father’s pattern but with his own coloration. She couldn’t help but stare at her a little while, as she’d never met her children’s grandfather. ”interesting, so far your genetics have been strong. I’m glad our children will not be as… bland as my own” she mused.

She looked up in time as he asked her about a name for their daughter to see Morwenna’s tail gliding across his shoulder. Her eyes narrowed at it and that famous Saxe jealousy began to rear its head inside of her. ”Celestia” she bit out while staring at the shoulder that was offending her now.

”We shall call her Celestia. Your family always reminds me of the stars and the beauty of the night sky, I think it’s fitting” she finally pulled her eyes from his shoulder to look at him again.

If he knew her well at all, he would catch the tone change and the way her eyes were a brewing storm before she turned her attention to the healer. ”Awfully Bold of you to touch him like that while I’m birthing his children, don’t you think?” her tone held none of the little respect and kindness she’d used for morwenna before. ”Scald, next time we need a healer for our children, do not bring one of your…Hussies, I do not take kindly to being made a fool, especially in my own home”

Oh how fortunate for them that she was still in labor, that she had three tiny bodies pressed into her own. Because any other time Ely would have gone ballistic. But for now it was all snappy words and threats.

She had far more important things to deal with now than scald bringing a lover with him to the birth of their children. That she would deal with later. Because now another of their children would angrily kick at her side, causing a contraction to ripple through her body.

In no time at all, through the motions she’d been through three times prior another pup came into the world. This one draped in pinks, purples and a yellowish orange all faded together on top of white undersides and a nose streak. The pup was also speckled like Celestia but in white not orange.

Cleaning off this pup the same as he had her others she nudged it to her side and as it ate she checked it’s gender too. ”Another Daughter” she announced as she watched her four children eating greedily at her side. Two Sons and Two Daughters. A perfect Set.

"Ely & Ezekiel"
[Image: ElyScarRef1.png?ex=6629b2a2&is=66173da2&...height=872]

Elysia "Ely" Saxe is a Mature 3-3-3 Rated Character. Plot at your own risk.