
Quiet dominion



08-19-2024, 07:04 AM

Uruk flicked an ear toward the sound of the nicker, his ghostly eyes narrowing for focus as they settled on the filly bathed in the golden light of the sun. Nuri, if he recalled correctly. She was a relatively new addition to the herd before his takeover, and though their interactions had been sparse, he was keenly aware of her presence. Her sundust hide reflected the sky, making her look almost ethereal as she approached with hesitant steps.

He could smell the fear on her, a scent he was all too familiar with from others in the herd. It took everything in him to not curl his lip in disdain, but there was something else in her tone - an offering of help, a desire to prove herself. It was a wise move, considering what had happened to those who he had deemed too weak and opposed him.

The lightningstruck stallion shifted slightly, the dried bracken and detritus caught in his mane and tail rushing with his movement. He felt the sting of the thorn marks, the blood slowly drying on his stormy hide, but he wasn't one to show vulnerability, not even to a herd member.

"You claim you can stop the bleeding?" His voice was a low rumble, deep and commanding, holding the weight of a chieftain who expected nothing less than absolute competence from his followers, as Asa and Xurek had proven. He appreciated usefulness in those around him, especially those who knew their place and offered skills rather than defiance. Nuri's wariness did not go unnoticed, but he saw no reason to lash out at her for it. Fear was a powerful motivator, it was a tool, and under his leadership, it would keep her sharp.

Before saying anything else, he paused, his ears rotating as he took in the sounds of the prairie. The rustling of grasses, the distant calls of grazing animals, the gentle burble of the creek to the east - it all painted a vivid picture of his new domain. He was learning the rhythm of this land, its secrets and strengths, the places where prey thrived and the spots where predators could be found. Every sound, every shift in the wind, was a piece of the puzzle he was slowly fitting together.

Satisfied with his study of the land, he returned his attention to Nuri. "Do it, then," he said simply, his tone leaving no room for argument. He stood still, allowing her to approach closer, his presence imposing and unmovable like a mountain. He didn't care for pleasantries or titles, he wasn't that kind of herd leader. What mattered was results, and Nuri had offered to deliver. His eyes remained fixed on her, watching every move she made, testing her courage as much as her skill. In his world, strength was everything, and at this moment.. Uruk was studying hers.
