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Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
08-19-2024, 02:42 PM

The man’s countenance is warm and friendly as he listens to what Medusa has to say, remembering the time after Insomnia had first been established. Enki does not interrupt as the skeletal-marked woman speaks and, when she is done, he turns his attention back to Bramble and politely listens as she speaks, shaking his head in the negative when asked if he knew about The Syndicate. It seems that the Hallows is full of contradictions, since their Envoy professes that they do not like blind alliances but is pretty much asking Insomnia to hate a pack they have had not interactions with.

While this Syndicate’s way of taking a pack may be foul, the pale pink man isn’t about to throw the entire pack under the metaphorical bus simply because The Hallow’s wishes them too. But he remains silent, his friendly demeanor never changing as he listens intently to all that is said. Bramble falls silent and nods, showing she is done and Enki turns his bright blue gaze to Medusa, brows lifting in silent question as he wonders if she is thinking the same thing he is. Turning back to the Envoy, he offers a soft sigh and folds his haunches, coming to sit lightly upon the ground as he considers what to say.

Voice is steady and not unkind as he slowly begins, “I remember when Medusa came to power and took Habari from my mother, Recluse. While the Empire labeled her an enemy and claimed to offer help to Recluse’s relatives, no one ever tried to seek out the lost pups or came to free her relatives that were being held here. The Empire was quick to proclaim enemies of Insomnia but did nothing to help those they claimed were their allies.” Enki is passionate about this topic because he had lived through it and he wishes to show the woman who probably even wasn’t alive at the time, why he is skeptical of entering any kind of alliance.

But the story doesn’t end there and Enki continues, “My littermates and I were told of how scary and evil Medusa was for taking the pack and I spent much of my first year trying desperately to stay away from Insomnia. In the end, I joined her because I was tired of looking over my shoulder and trying to find refuge when I wasn’t even sure where safety was. The stories I had been told were greatly exaggerated and I ended up finding my home here.” Taking a deep breath, he flicks his gaze over to Medusa, offering her a faint smile before returning his full attention to Bramble.

Head tilts slightly in thoughtfulness as he adds, “There is another issue I have; you say that blind allegiances are things of the past yet you are asking Insomnia to trust The Hallows assessment of The Syndicate and to take part in an alliance based solely on that. Yes, kidnapping and threatening violence is despicable but, when The Hallows declared enemies of a pack rightfully won and now wishes to form alliances against ones that they declare their enemies, then I simply have one question; where will you stop?” Yes, Enki is jaded on this subject and he wishes to voice it all for both Medusa and Bramble to hear.

However, this is Medusa’s pack and he will defer to her if she does wish to form an alliance with The Hallows. With his piece said, he lapses into silence and waits to hear what Medusa has to say about all of this.

"Enki Klien"