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08-19-2024, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2024, 07:38 AM by Medusa. Edited 1 time in total.)

She waited patiently for an answer, something generally unusual for her, but her attention was held on getting the answer she sought. The alphas that were once allied with Habari had declared her pack an enemy despite her challenging fair and square for a pack from someone that done her dirty a hundred times over. She didn't understand it at the time, nor had she cared much which was why she never sought them out for any sort of diplomacy before. She didn't need small mindedness as an ally, but here came a small minded pack trying to forge ties with her, only instead of the head honcho himself, he sent someone else in his place when it had been his declaration to begin with. It didn't settle well with the Queen of Bones, but still, she liked Bramble a good deal. So she'd hear what she had to say. After all, she wasn't holding the decisions of Castletowns leader against Bramble, no. She was holding it against the leader who was not here.

As she spoke of the Syndicate pack, she kept her body language neutral, aside from her occasional tics of course. She made no motion to nod or shake her head. She had heard whispers of them. Had heard through the grapevine more or less how they had obtained a pack in a less traditional way. A way that, to be honest, she felt indifferent about. After all, had she not nearly done the same? Only instead of taking her enemy's kids hostage and threatening their lives first, she still went the traditional route but had taken her enemy's family after the fact. Not to harm them, but to further her revenge on the bitch Recluse that she so despised. She wasn't keen on playing the long game with them, either. She had given them options to secure their freedom. And while many chose to flee, she didn't care much. A couple fought for their freedom. Others chose to join. And then there was Enki, who had traded himself for the others. Suffice to say, her enemy's family didn't remain prisoners for very long. Unlike what Recluse had done to her, she didn't intend on keeping them in that position for longer than necessary.

Bramble goes on, and Medusa remains quiet alongside Enki as they both take in what the younger girl is saying. Her gaze shifts to her alpha partner as he looks at her, a questioning look in both of their eyes before returning their attention to Bramble. She holds her tongue, however, allowing Enki to speak his piece first while she stews on everything Bramble has said, along with her own feelings. She was not amused by this. Nor was she keen on it, either. And it seemed Enki had similar feelings.

She listened to his tale about her and what had transpired between him and her when Insomnia had first been created. Indeed, she had seen the fear in his eyes and the despair that sat there when he had finally come to her border, offering himself up in exchange for his siblings. Even then, Medusa had never mistreated him nor the others, and had offered them a home, safety, and family and friendship when nobody else did or would, despite being labeled the bad guy. She returned the smile he gave her, sitting up proud that he has come so far. He had grown from the pup she had claimed, to an adult that she fully trusted with her pack and its affairs.

When Enki finished speaking after making his own assessment, she nodded in agreement. She took a moment to consider what all had been said so far. She was still miffed that Brambles leader had opted to send someone else in his place instead of coming to mend what he had done. She wouldn't blame Bramble for his shortcomings, however. "Enki is right." She stated. It seemed that regardless of how a pack was obtained, this...Artorias had a problem with it. Ally or not, she had gone the traditional route and bested Recluse. And still, he marked her an enemy. And now he was doing the same against someone else who had done something she had not. So either way, she saw it as contradictory (which was saying something because her morals were all over the damn place, but she still had a code she lived by).

She shifted as she cleared her throat to continue. "Medusa has never spoken to Bramble's leader, and he has never shown interest in Medusa or Insomnia beyond what he declared when she fairly fought for the pack. Enki and his family were never slaves unlike Habari and Medusa, but Artorias was...okay with that?" Seemed that way to her, the more she thought about it. Having slaves was, in her eyes, "unlawful." And yet he had condemned her and not Habari, but she supposed it was bias since they were all under the same canopy of whatever empire that had fallen.

"And now that he thinks there is a threat because someone else got one by force?" She shook her head. "Medusa is sorry, but because he has not come to make..." Shit, what was the word? She briefly glanced at Umbra who lingered nearby, "Amends." Medusa nodded as she turned her attention back to Bramble, "Yes, that. And since it was him that decided Medusa would be his enemy, Insomnia will not be allies with him at this time. Also, what makes something unlawful?" She questioned. "Is unlawful only what he thinks is not the right way? Maybe others don't think the same way he does." She shrugged. She didn't care one way or another how someone came into power if it didn't affect her. Granted, had someone come around threatening her or her kin, she would've fought tooth and nail and not simply just submitted. But not everyone was like her. Perhaps the pack that had been stolen just wasn't strong enough. It was a dog-eat-dog world out there, and she knew that better than anyone. "Medusa isn't saying it was okay to do, she would never threaten a child." She tacked on, just so she was clear.

"Besides, he's never invited Medusa to anything, sooooo...." Indeed, she had been hearing about this so-called "alpha meeting" and yet, she had not been invited to attend. Strange thing, especially since he was so worried about this alleged threat. But also, she wondered why Artorias was so hung up about it? After all, it hadn't affected him directly...or did it? From what it sounded like, the Hallows alpha had gone out of his way to intercept and declare this Sephiran Saxe an enemy. Just like he'd done with her.

"Bramble can tell him that Medusa thinks she did a good job in coming and trying, but it was him that failed. Bramble is welcome here, Medusa likes her and would like to consider her a friend, pack ally or not. Maybe Medusa will change her mind someday, but until he does it himself, she thinks no." After all, she was an alpha too and always had things to do. Things to prepare for. Things to work on. And yet, she still always found the time for matters of importance. So she didn't think it was a very good excuse on why he couldn't come and right the wrong he had thrust upon both packs. Though she did very much like Bramble's attempt. Old blood was dying out, new blood was coming in...that much was true. It was unfortunate, however, that when they finally tried to come for matters of alliances, it was for their own cause and desire. She didn't feel inclined to join whatever this was. Not unless she had an absolute reason to do so.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: