
rub some dirt in it, kid



Raiders Hollow

Expert Fighter (180)

Advanced Intellectual (90)

Dire wolf

Snake EyesOoh La La
08-19-2024, 08:07 PM

Korona’s ears pinned back as she closed the gap between them. She could feel every pulse of her own heart echoing in her chest, her focus narrowing to the singular goal of outmaneuvering her father. He was formidable – a living legend in her eyes – but this was more than just a spar; it was a chance to show him that she could rise above his expectations. She was determined to carve out her own legacy. Her ego would have nothing less.

As Gilgamesh’s muzzle darted toward her, Korona’s instincts screamed for a change in strategy. She felt the shift in the air as he leaned in, attempting to seize her scruff, but she wasn’t about to let him end this bout so quickly. With a sudden twist, Korona threw her weight sideways, using the momentum of her own lunge to roll out of his grasp. Her movements were sharp and unrefined, but fueled by the drive she possessed to prove herself.

She rebounded from her evasive maneuver, quickly regaining her footing and darting back with renewed vigor. This time, she aimed higher, to his cheek as it was in reach now, trying to force him into an unexpected angle. If she could keep him guessing, maybe she could find the opening she needed. Korona knew she was still young, her muscles not yet tested by the harshness of real battle, but every spar brought her closer to the warrior she envisioned herself becoming. She wouldn't back down, not until she earned her place beside him as an equal.

Korona vs Gilgamesh for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Under 6m
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Mutation 1: Quills (Defensive)
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
"Korona Vanity Fallen"

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1. rub some dirt in it, kid The Battlefield 01:06 PM, 07-08-2024 03:50 PM, 08-29-2024