
Quiet dominion



08-19-2024, 10:58 PM

The lightningstruck stallion remained a calm still as Nuri began to work, his ghostly eyes scanning the horizon even as she carefully teased the thorns and bracken from his mane and tail. Her movements were precise, quick, and without hesitation - these were promising signs to him. He felt her unease, the tension in her swishing tail and the cautious way she worked around him, but she did not falter. That earned a measure of respect in his eyes.

As she pulled out the thorny branches, Uruk focused on the prairie around them. The land was alive with its own rhythm, and he was determined to understand it fully. The subtle shigts in the wind, the way the grasses swayed, the distant calls from the animals - all of these painted a picture of the prairie's natural flow. It was a place of balance, where the strength of its herds and the resilience of the land were intertwined.

When Nuri mentioned gathering yarrow, Uruk gave a slight nod of approval, his gaze still roaming the landscape. "Be swift," he said calmly but with authority, his voice a low rumble.

As she moved off to find the yarrow, Uruk continued his study of the prairie. This was more than just land; it was a living entity with its own patterns. Understanding those patterns was fascinated to Uruk in this moment while he absorbed every detail, committing it to memory. His gaze then drifted back to Nuri, a beauty that caught the golden light of the sky and reflected it in her hide. Her delicate features would have drawn the admiration of many, but Uruk, as focused as he was, paid little attention to her presence. For him, beauty was found in strength and capability, not a superficial gleam of coat. Yet, despite this, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of curiosity about her. There was more to Nuri than her cautious demeanor and soft appearance - something that made him wonder what kind of character she might be hiding beneath the surface.

[ 3/3 Explore new land (Algoma Prairie) ]
