
Learn by Doing

Puppy brawl



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Navigator (20)

Dire wolf
08-20-2024, 05:08 AM

It's not long when Fern shows up and then another older girl she doesn't recognize. Giving them both cheeky smiles, her attention is quickly whipped up toward the big purple man. Magdalene feels proud for the compliment he gives them. Her chest puffs up even further as her tail thumps against the ground. Praise was nice!

Watching him intently with ears alert to listen to his words, she watches him move. At first, she doesn't see what's coming. Too eager to soak in each and every one of Deimos' words, Magdalene is caught off guard when he pounces forward. Tumbling backward from her sitting position as his paw swipes out at her, she lets out a yelp of surprise. Wanting to recover quickly, she rolls over and up onto her paws, giving her fur a shake as she turns back to Deimos.

Hadn't he said work together? Mags looks to her sisters who have already raced toward the back of Deimos to try out their own attacks. Her brow scrunches and nose wrinkles, fur bristling as she lowers into a more defensive stance. "Uh, I dunno your names, but if the three of us go for his front paws, we can maybe trip him up enough to get to fall down," she looks apprehensively toward Daemon and Kintsugi, wondering if they'll go for her suggestion.


Magdalene, Inferna, Odierne, Daemon, & Kintsugi vs Deimos for Melee Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Under 6 mo
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Sharpened metal teeth caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Thick leather collar
Companion 1: Keel-billed Toucan, Male, 50" - Flying
Companion 2: Keel-billed Toucan, Female, 50" - Flying
*Companion 3: fox with antlers - boosted
Mutation 1: Antlers - offensive
Mutation 2: Jaguar claws - agility
Mutation 3: Bioluminescence - Defensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Navigator

Desponia & other family members are welcome to enter her threads until she is 2 years old.
Magdalene's antlers will not be fully grown until she is 1 year old. They will shed yearly similar to a normal deer.
Her most colorful markings are imbued with bioluminescence that glow brighter the wetter her fur is.
Expect her companions to be nearby, but not always within sight.