
This is What the Future is Made Of



12-19-2013, 12:22 PM
She had made the announcement, the pack was to be moved. The meeting had gone smoothly and quickly, and although there were those that had doubts, she knew that Valhalla would flourish on Nephilim island. The only things left to worry about were being ambushed before they could move - which was unlikely, but she patrolled the borders nearly constantly regardless. And something going wrong while they were moving. She had the wellfair of those that were injured in mind, as well as Azalea and her new litter. The woman worried for her niece, she was so young, and here she was with children that had Glaciem in their blood. There was so much in their future that was unknown, they could bring great cataclysm just by being alive - bring the ice pack back down on their heads... but they were Azalea's more than they were anyone else's. She had birthed those children, she had nursed them, and regardless of whether or not she had yet to love them - she protected them.

Hearing her niece's call, Chrysanthe was quick to respond, picking up her leaisured pace until she was near Azalea's den. When she could pick her out over the grassy plains, she would softly smile, always glad to see the girl. The woman would move to nuzzle the smaller female, meeting her eyes with her one eyed gaze. Although her right eye was milky and empty, there was a good amount of love in the blue one. As always, she was concerned for her niece, but she would do her best not to be overbearing. Azalea didn't seem to be the type that liked it when someone breathed down her neck, even if they were trying to help. "Azalea - do you need anything?" She wouldn't hesitate to do whatever she could for her. Maybe there was something besides the pups that she would want to take to the island? Or she wanted a last meal before they took off?