
It doesn't matter. It's in the past.



08-21-2024, 03:11 PM

Graive had been trailing Raumr, her lean frame moving silently through the undergrowth - or rather, what little of it there was. There air was damp, heavy with the scent of wet earth and decaying leaves, a far cry from the dry, open landscapes she was more accustomed to. She didn't particularly mind the moisture, but the stillness of the place felt unnatural, as if the very forest was holding it's breath out of anticipation for something ominous.

Her ghostly pale blue eyes flitted upwards, taking in the oppressive canopy above, where only thin slivers of light managed to pierce through the thick tangles of vines. The cathedral-like archway of the forest felt both awe-inspiring and suffocating, a fitting metaphor for the weight she also carried within her. This place, this overgrown grove, was a reflection of her own life - a constant struggle against forces beyond her control, an endless fight to simply.. survive.

The sudden, thunderous roar of a bear broke her thoughts, snapping her attention to the present. Her muscles tensed instinctively as she saw Raumr locked into combat with a massive creature. For a brief moment, she hesitated, assessing the situation. Raumr was strong, capable, but the bear was a formidable opponent, and even he could not afford to take it lightly.

She moved quickly, circling around to the side, her movements as silent as a shadow. Graive's malabsorption had left her weaker than she would have liked, but she still had her cunning, her speed, and her determination. She would need to strike precisely and with purpose if she were to help Raumr without getting herself killed.

As the bear reared up on its hind legs, preparing to bring its full weight down on Raumr, Graive lunged. Her jaws snapped at the bear's exposed flank, thick teeth sinking into the dense fur and muscle. She felt the beast's hot blood coat her tongue, and it let out a furious bellow, swinging a massive paw in her direction. Graive danced back just in time, narrowly avoiding the powerful swipe.

[ 1/3 Fought a large opponent (Black Bear) ]
[ 1/3 Explored new land (Grapevine Cathedral) ]



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1. It doesn't matter. It's in the past. Grapevine Cathedral 10:13 AM, 08-06-2024 02:37 PM, 10-02-2024