
Waiting on the sky to change


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
08-21-2024, 08:54 PM

Gavroche had traveled away from Boreas once more, though this time with a different purpose. His father would be coming home with his mother, and hopefully Beauregard, in tow… he had to! And when he did the yearling had no doubt that the man would be injured. His father had been stubborn in his insistence that he go alone. Gavroche hated that he agreed, but he knew that if he were captured by a group it would just make things harder for the rainbow-marked male to get everyone out safely. It was his size, Gav knew, that was his bane. He was tiny, hardly the size of a fox, and given how big some of the wolves of these lands got…

Dismissing that thought for now, Gav decided he was going to focus on finding that land near the beach where he’d found a ton of different herbs. Only… when he arrived at the shore he realized that the scents of the pack that had once lived there were gone. Curiosity nagged at him, and still on the search for any plant that might be deemed worth gathering, he stepped onto the black sands. They shifted under his paw with each step, reminding him of when he had come here before. His ears fell… If his family knew he was here, how would they feel? Wouldn’t he be worrying them…?

A sigh left the winged male’s lips. No, none of that thinking either, he scolded himself. Ears perked up and forward before spotting one of the giants of the land, her coat bright and vivid with pink and red. Gavroche furrowed his brow, moving up away from the shoreline as he watched her with green eyes… and damn near fell into a patch of silvery-green plants sweeping upward. The one he’d stepped on could still be partially salvaged, he realized as he looked down at it with a frown. Although… What was this plant? He couldn’t recall having seen it before? The stranger was forgotten as he sniffed at it, wrinkling his nose.

It stunk… ugh…

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥