
move like this, bite when I tell you to

Nik & Atticus/First Mission



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
08-22-2024, 01:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2024, 01:41 PM by Érebos. Edited 2 times in total.)

É R E B O S .

Érebos sat, relaxed as they both spoke now. atticus held so much of their father's demeanor; haughty and clean, dished out with a sense of sincerity. it met Érebos well and it perhaps always would. the lad was bright, compliant to his higher ranking wolves and clan members. who knew what Atticus could become in the end. Nikolaos was a different kind though. much of vanity that plagued their family truly defined Nikolaos. a shame it was but there was still hope. that much Érebos knew. the extent of or when things would change was unknown to him. regardless, Érebos agreed to allow the troublesome sibling to try at the very least. if Nikolaos was anything like father, Érebos knew what strategy would work on him. he spoke to him first. "I pardon you Nikolaos." he nodded in assurance, eyes watching the smaller male. "Make our family proud. You will earn more glory and here, you will dwell in praise. I assure your freedom will grow, and I will see to it that you have devotion from wolves lesser than you." slaves again, were noted. once with Enyo and now with Nikolaos. Érebos knew his family were no saints and that they'd often times keep slaves for their own pleasure. perhaps a harem of sorts could tame and keep Nikolaos satisfied & delivering his best for the family. whatever would work to get them all in order, Érebos would do.

addictions and such, all the dunamis had them. Nik's happen to be attention and praise. he turned to Atticus now, addressing him, "We've all been in his place more than once back in Cyprus. Allow him the space & time to redeem himself- as I have. And no-, no one else will be permitted to go. Do well, both of you. Rewards will come from this all." nothing more would be said, confident that Atticus & Nikolaos understood and obliged in the end.

with a nod, the patriarch set off to speak to Enyo about the recent news. moving and bustling as he got things ready, seemingly never sleeping as he made the world bend to his goals.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
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