
Medusa & Ignis kid readoptions!

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Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
08-23-2024, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2024, 10:31 AM by Skelle. Edited 5 times in total.)
OOC Name: skelle
Who are you applying for?: remaining Medusa pup
Character name: Battery "Batty" Mortem
Biological sex: male
Design: click
Appearance: Battery was born as an average sized pup, no different from the rest. It's only now, after his less than fortunate time away from home, that he appears stunted. Runty, even. Aside from that, he resembles his mother most, to the point that it appears that none of his fathers genes were even used to create him. Black, brown, and white make up his primary color palette. Black undersides and legs with a brown blanket-like marking that encompasses his shoulders, body, and thighs make up the majority of his appearance, but it is the ominous white markings stretched across his face, the white rib-like markings on his sides, and the racoon-like banded tail that draw the most attention. White connects the striping on his face and runs down his neck and back, connecting to most of the rib markings and starting the rings on his tail. White is also found accentuating the knuckles on his forepaws as well as the unders and heels of his hind paws. It's the blue eyes that really drives the look home though, a spitting image of Medusa's own.
Personality: It obvious right from the start of meeting Battery that something is.. off about him. He's not right in the head after living for an extended period (and somehow surviving) in the glowshroom cavern. Though, to be fair, he probably wasn't real right to begin with, but its easier now to put all the blame on the psychedelics he was eating to survive than to try and analyze him prior.

Due to his lack of socializing as a child, Battery is clearly inept. Either too friendly or not friendly at all, he doesn't seem to have a basic understanding of personal space or manners. He smiles and laughs at inappropriate times (rather, he's almost always smiling and laughing about something and it's usually morbid), lacks any couth, asks and says things that most would consider rude or too personal, and although others might not see him as such, considers most everyone to be a friend, even enemies.

Most of the time he appears to be rather happy-go-lucky and in a good mood, but it really doesn't take much to change that. Although he often starts fights just for the fun of it, he tends to black out and lose control when he's triggered, seldom remembering what happened or what he did and reverting back into the happy, inappropriately smiling fool once the 'threat' is gone.
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Plotses? battery was a normal pup... until he had got lost in glowshroom cavern and nearly overdosed. now he speaks in third person with a broken speech pattern, he has tics and the occasional seizure, suffers from a drug addiction, equipped with a hair trigger aggression, and a vulgar tongue.
Any other fun stuff worth knowing?:
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥