
Listen to the wind blow



Beginner Navigator (10)

Beginner Healer (10)

1 Year

Pride - Bisexual1K
08-24-2024, 01:42 PM
She turned her attention away from his leg as he began to speak, fearing she had overstepped boundaries that she had for another. Respect - it went a long way with Mae as she turned to him and lowered down upon her hind quarters. The woman wasn't going to pry the brutes thoughts that seemed to flood his mind. But her own swimming threw her own like fish in water. "I suppose you are right. And I do apologize Crux for it appears to be a soft subject for you. However it is interesting that you don't seem to care for the idea of these crystals or gems that grow from you and others." Fuck, there she goes. Opening her mouth about something she knew nothing about. In a way she was proud that he was standing and taking the time to talk to her, to actually conversate. It was welcoming which would cause a smile to upturn her lips.

Also knowing that crystals held powers in their own ways, she wondered if the ones that adorened his legs did the same. Or did they always cause him such discomfort. A slow sigh as turning her attention to him. "You don't allow it to weaken you. You appear to gather strenght from the differences we both share and every wolf around you." Mae calmly said, "A insperation for others in a way I guess you could say." They all had differences and obseticals they all had to over come. And with time they would. "I mean, what if they are a sign of strength. I wouldn't be afraid Crux. For being born or anything like that is not a easy task. Crux you appear to have over come many things in your life." Mae offered a kind and gentle warming smile. Hoping that she wouldn't upset the brute.

Reaper may join any threads that involves Mae All Titles to Threads are from Fleetwood Mac songs