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"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-24-2024, 07:19 PM
The raven story was a fun one, and a grin pulled at the corner of her lips when Pythia admitted she didn't know what a water wagtail was, "It is another sort of bird, small with a wide, fan-like tail. They eat insects instead of carrion, I'll point it out the next time we hear one." She certainly wouldn't do well to imitate the sound herself. Her lips weren't made for whistling.

"They say that in the beginning, there was one den that housed an old wolf and his daughter, and Raven, who had always been. He flew around in the dark, but he kept bumping into things, it made him quite upset." The plot holes were there, but the stories were old and she supposed the hows and the whys of how these other beings came into being were lost in the telling. "Raven, who was a trickster, changed his shape to that of a young cub, and the old wolf greeted him like a grandson. Raven poked around the den and found a box and the old wolf told him to leave it alone, so he waited until the old wolf and his daughter went hunting. He opened the box, and inside was a smaller box, and inside that one was a smaller box until he opened the smallest box, and inside was light."

How light was kept in a box with no source was as confusing to her as anyone else, but perhaps that was why her divinity seemed so out of reach. "Having found what he had come from, the little cub transformed back into Raven and flew from the den. Seeing the light, Eagle, who had always been, dove to attack Raven. In avoiding the attack, he spilled some of the light that became the stars and the moon, but he flew on. On and on to the easternmost mountain until he could fly no more. When he put the light down, it became the sun, and they say that is why the sun rises in the east." Her head turned considering. It all seemed a little far-fetched, but perhaps it wouldn't be so obvious to one who was young, or one who lived her life in darkness.
