
All That Glitters


12-18-2013, 10:35 PM

The small fae's worried, frantic speech confused and concerned Aranya in equal measure. She was tempted further to rise and rush over, to pull the girl into her side and comfort her. Don't spook the poor thing, her mind's voice reminded her. So Aranya took a deep breath and cocked her head, letting the stranger ramble on. In time she her speech off as cleanly as snapping a tendon, and nearly as painfully. Aranya smiled gently at her. "Oh, I'm sure you could do quite a bit of damage to me, though luckily I don't think you're of a mind to. It's quite easy to fight an opponent who won't fight back." She smiled and slowly stood, only that she might perch atop a root and see the girl more clearly.

She was small, and still she shook. Aranya could bear for no creature to be uncomfortable or scared, and certainly not if she might be able to do something about it. "My name is Aranya Eloise Netonya," she said with yet another smile. "I'm only a wanderer, and a friendly one at that, or so I've been told. What's your name?" She asked. Perhaps these mundane facts and questions would settle the strange fae, and allow Aranya to understand what had so harmed her, that she would react in such a way towards a complete stranger.
