
Still in that honeymoon phase

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-28-2024, 12:13 PM

Ezra couldn't help but grin as Syanna scolded him and warned him not to get too riled up before they could eat their dinner with a swat to his nose. "Fiiiiine, if you insist," he replied with a joking, defeated sigh as he reluctantly released her, but not before he planed a big, playful kiss on her cheek. No matter how long they were together or how old they got he never lost the silly, adoring affection he had for his little foxy lady. "That is exactly what I needed. It's like you can read my mind," he added when she mentioned how she thought they needed a date night. She was truly so good to him and everything he could have ever hoped for in a mate and so much more. He had fallen head over heels for her immediately after they met, but that love had only grown deeper in their time together. He never needed grand shows of affection or anything like that. Just finding little moments to themselves like this made him happier than any brute alive.

Ezra started to reach for a piece of the meat to begin helping himself to their dinner while Syanna began to open the bottle of wine. To her question about his day–with a quite obvious insinuation about how tiring it might have been–Ezra returned her grin and dipped his muzzle to teasingly nibble lightly at the edge of her ear. "Never too tiring to enjoy my wife, beautiful," he assured her in a low rumble, chuckling as he pulled away and went back to the food in his paws. "It was pretty uneventful, luckily. Just the usual patrols and meetings and a quick hunt this afternoon," he added. The Hallows was a fairly peaceful place so it was pretty rare that anything of real note happened, not that he was complaining. More often than not their threats came in the form of other predators that tried to push their luck and infringe on their territory, but those were pretty easily dealt with. He reached for the wine Syanna had opened after eating a couple bites of the tender meat she had picked for their dinner, giving her a grin as he added, "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't rushed through everything a little to get to you sooner though." Taking a long drink of the tasty wine, he passed the bottle back to her with a content sigh and took another piece of meat while snuggling up closer to his wife.

"Syanna & Ezra"