
Head in the Clouds


12-18-2013, 10:48 PM

Aranya shook her coat out for a final time. Luckily her blunder did not seem to but the male off too much, and he seemed to be handling her overbearing personality quite nicely, for all that she could tell. Even if he was just using her for a meal, Aranya could not bring herself to care. Help was help, after all, and her father had always told her to be as helpful as she could bear. At the male's insistence that he would accompany her, she gave him a quick once over. He did look somewhat improved, but was it truly to a degree that made him fit for a short journey? She had half a mind to take back her question and have him stay here regardless, but in the end she only nodded and turned. "It's not far," she repeated.

Had she been alone, Aranya surely would have been loping over the knolls with glee. The up and down, the feel of her claws digging into dirt and snow, the cold wind in her lungs; she would have relished it all. Now, though, she had a companion's well fare to consider, and it ocurred to her that he would far quite poorly indeed had she expected him to travel in such a way. So instead they walked, avoiding surmounting ridges when they could find valleys, though occasionally she would lead them atop low knolls so that she might keep their bearing. "Not far now!" she said with a smile, as they came atop the last rise.

True to her word, the screeches and complaints of buzzards rang in the air, music to her ears. It was not but a hundred lengths before they came to find some other, luckier predator's kill site. Little more than scraps remained, but it was still much more than one lone game bird could offer a hungry wolf, and plenty yet for two. The pelt of the thing lay shredded around it, but Aranya could see the tufts of thick brown fur, and tried to picture it as it might once have been. She turned to Nuka and smiled. "Go ahead, I'll keep watch to make sure whoever killed this isn't on their way back." In truth, she wanted to make sure Nuka ate his fill before she dove in, knowing he needed the sustenance far more.
