
Quiet dominion



08-26-2024, 09:38 PM

Uruk watched as Nuri swiftly returned with the yarrow, her movements fluid and precise as she applied the paste to his wounds. Her touch was gentle but firm, each motion deliberate, revealing a level of care and skill that did not go unnoticed. As she stepped back to examine her work, his gaze shifted from the land to her, drawn by the quiet confidence she exuded despite her initial wariness.

She spoke, her voice trailing off as she realized his eyes were fixed on her, studying her in a way that seemed to pierce through to something deeper. It wasn’t her beauty that held his attention but rather the curiosity that tugged at him, the question of what lay beneath the surface of this seemingly delicate creature.

When she huffed and stamped her hoof, meeting his gaze with unexpected boldness, a faint flicker of amusement sparked within him. She wasn’t retreating, and she wasn’t submitting. Instead, she challenged him, turning his scrutiny back on him with a question that was both daring and defiant.

For a moment, Uruk remained silent, considering her words. He appreciated strength in all its forms, and here was a different kind of strength - one not born of brute force, but of resilience and spirit.

“Curiosity,” he finally rumbled, his voice low and steady. “I was wondering what drives you, Nuri. You are not like most mares.” His words were not a compliment, but neither were they dismissive. They were simply an acknowledgment of what he saw - a filly with more to her than met the eye. A fire inside.

He shifted slightly, the tension in the air easing as he allowed the corner of his mouth to twitch into something almost resembling a smile. “The land is not the only thing worth studying, after all. Thank you for coming to my aid.”
