
Grieve the Evil Child


12-23-2013, 10:23 PM

Shay picked his way through the landscape. He'd stayed in the area after the Tortuga pack had left it, prowling through the abandoned territory in curious investigation. How had they lived, where had they chosen to sleep, where to interact, why? Social or biological pressures telling them what they should do? It interested him, but the old camp showed him little without the pack that had inhabited it.

Now he found himself wandering further afield in the territory searching for game to assuage his faint hunger. There wasn't as much to find as in many places he'd traveled, but the solitary activity was a comfortably familiar one. He'd caught the scent of a rabbit and had stalked it here, but had lost it down into it's den when he miscalculated the trajectory of his leap. Unlike many a young wolf, he wasted no time with anger or annoyance, or futilely digging at the rocky ground. Instead he immediately put his nose back into the air, sampling the currents for the scent that would mean a meal.

Instead he caught a scent he didn't truly expect - that of another wolf. Interested, he followed the scent further. Into sight came a brown and black female. He stopped just within sight distance and studied her without emotion. The female was of similar stature, similar in appearance as well though with a brown and amber hue rather than his plain gray and silver. If there was something a little off about her, it wasn't something Shay would have noticed - she was no more or less unfathomable to him than any other wolf.

He chose to break the silence rather than wait for the female to, in the interests of establishing communication and gauging the social situation. "Hello," he said simply, his single softly-spoken word not yet betraying his odd speech patterns, though the barely-there syllable emphasises may have been taken as a vague accent.
