
Unseasonably Warm [Atreyu]



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
08-27-2024, 06:54 AM

As the foal went down, Atreyu quickly shifted her position to the throat of the baby horse. Its screams were more than she could handle, as it's two back legs had buckled and broken beneath it under the combined weight of herself and Valkeyrie. The screams must have been too much for the mother to handle as well, because she came in with a flurry of hooves and teeth. Valkeyrie took the brunt of the assault, then did her best to distract the mother so that Atreyu could get the kill. Pinning the foal's neck beneath her massive paw, Atreyu pulled out her knife and ended the babe with a blow to the neck. Holographic eyes scanned worriedly around, looking for any sign of the dark woman, hoping she wasn't under the horse.

It wasn't long before the dark grey form of Valkeyrie showed up in the tall grass. She had all manner of plant life in her pelt and she looked a bit dazed but seemed otherwise okay. "Valkeyrie!" Atreyu called to the woman, hoping to get her attention. With the foal lying still and the mother nowhere to be seen, Atreyu came to Valkeyrie's side, looking to help her. "Tell me what hurts, I am a healer, I could help." She was a better healer than she was a hunter, "Sit down, you look dizzy." She worried over Valkeyrie for a moment, ensuring she sat down before moving back to the foal.

Cutting a few chunks of meat from the flank of the young horse, Atreyu moves between their kill and Valkeyrie. Then she made to look for wood, though there were only some shrub branches and sticks to use it would still work. Stacking them all up into a teepee, Atreyu quickly lit a fire, she was careful to clear the area of grass before doing so. Pulling a few seasonings from her satchel, Atreyu prepared the meat for cooking, cutting the meat down into smaller chunks and setting them on a skewer stick before putting them over the fire. While those cooked, she went to check over Valkeyrie, making sure there were no other wounds on the woman aside from the dazed appearance of her.

"Atreyu Morningstar"


Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.