
Cheri Cheri Lady




Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2024, 02:22 AM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2024, 02:50 AM by ENYO. Edited 2 times in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Enyo’s imposing presence loomed over the smaller, more delicate form of Soleste as she listened to the smaller wolf’s dismissive and somewhat brass words. The contrast between them was stark, and Enyo found herself momentarily amused by the audacity of Soleste’s approach. The casual disregard and mockery in Soleste’s tone were not lost on Enyo, but neither were they making her feel particularly uncomfortable. If anything, they only served to further arouse her interest. Although, Soleste voiced her disappointment in Enyo's sex (or lack of it) the Dunamis couldn't help but feel the sharp twang of envy. If only she had been a man right? Once again, the Gods had a funny way of reminding her of her greatest insecurity. Even in passionate moments like this.

Any injured vanity was soothed as Soleste’s gaze traveled over her powerful form, Enyo felt a subtle thrill of satisfaction, though she maintained her commanding composure. The smaller woman's attempt to size her up with a lustful glare was met with a proud arch of Enyo’s brow. Enyo thoroughly enjoyed how Soleste's eyes worshipped her piebald body in all its glory. She allowed herself a slow, deliberate smirk, her eyes narrowing slightly in thought. It seemed this woman wanted to play regardless.

“How fascinating,” Enyo purred, her voice smooth and velvety, dripping with a mixture of amusement and condescension. “It seems your curiosity is as boundless as your boldness. A pity you think I need a member to please you as if I don't have a tongue and much more creative and... lasting methods of pleasure for beautiful women.”

Enyo allowed herself a brief, languid stretch, mimicking Soleste’s earlier display of stretching, though her movements were measured and deliberate, exuding an air of effortless confidence rather than casualness. Enyo made it a point to flex every muscle as she moved deeper and deeper. Her gaze remained fixed on Soleste’s, unyielding and piercing. While Sol's gaze assessed, Enyo's attempted to pierce and devour.

“I'm sure you are complimented often, I could only hope cherished for the breathtaking woman you are. Hopefully, your body is worshipped and pleased as it so clearly deserves. But you have never had me praise your body with adoration, admiration, and reverence. For however long you need me to last.” Enyo continued her tone lightly laced with derision. Bold were her words and body language, there was a lot of pent-up pressure in Enyo and if Soleste wished to be the one to release it then so be it. No matter how easy the woman proved to be, Enyo was grateful to cut the chase and dive into the fun parts. In time, should the two prove to be compatible, Enyo would show Soleste what a relaxed and permissive lover she was.

As Soleste’s periwinkle eyes roved over her imposing form, Enyo’s smirk widened into a more genuine smile, though it remained tinged with her characteristic arrogance. She leaned in slightly, her massive frame casting a shadow that seemed to draw Soleste in closer, a subtle but deliberate gesture. Did she feel the tension? The throb that all this teasing was causing?

“Tell me, Soleste,” her tone dropping to a more serious register, “What is it that you truly seek? Beyond the superficiality of appearances and the casual jabs, what drives your curiosity about my lineage and my family?” What an odd question! How specific? Suspicion crept itself into her mind again although the voice of lust was currently louder than reason. Enyo’s intent was clear: she was not only willing to engage but also to seduce Soleste with her words, her presence, and the allure of her formidable personality. Especially her body if Soleste took it.

Her gaze softened slightly, though her commanding presence remained intact. “As for my parents,” she continued, “you may find that their legacy is quite intricate. You might find that my lineage is far more complex than the simple categorization of a man or woman.”

With that, Enyo took a step closer, her imposing form nearly dwarfing Soleste’s delicate frame, yet her movements were fluid and graceful, designed to intrigue rather than intimidate. Her scent, rich mahogany and spices, mingled with the warm, steamy aroma of the hot springs, adding an intoxicating layer to the atmosphere. As she moved closer to stand as close to Soleste as possible, face to face she would lean down and whisper, her voice low and sultry, each word deliberately paced to linger in the air. "There is no need to say more. I know what you want and I desire nothing more than to give it to you however you want it. If you think you can take me." Enyo's lips slightly brushed Soleste's ear as she pulled away, her eyes conveying unrestrained desire.




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated