
Rotten Souls

Spring Seasonal Fight (solo)



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Fighter (30)

5 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-29-2024, 09:33 AM
It was daytime, a time the female didn't particularly like. She had hoped to sleep longer, but a sudden yawn roused her. She shook her coat vigorously to remove the bugs and dirt that had accumulated during the early morning hours. The sun was warm, and the humidity was higher than usual, indicating that many others would either be hiding out or on the move—none of them likely feeling pleased about it. Although she had managed to get some restful sleep, it still didn’t feel like enough. In truth, nothing ever seemed sufficient for her anymore. She felt like something was missing, especially when it came to food. While she wasn't an enthusiastic hunter, she knew she could be if she really set her mind to it.

The Indigo woman paused for a moment in the stillness, a warm breeze brushing against her slender form. Her ears twisted back and then spread out to the sides, while her fiery eyes swept over the area around her. The vegetation thrived wildly, suggesting that herbivores were nearby, alert to their surroundings. A sudden snort caught her attention, followed by the sound of cloven hooves striking the ground. Hala observed as a doe stomped defensively, guarding the fawn at her side, which kept glancing nervously between its presumed mother and Hala.

A few deer perked up in the distance, but to call them far away would be misleading. Two more does approached that of the member of the herd, and Hala watched each one closely. A low growl rumbled from her throat as a warning. With an annoyed flick of her tail, she prepared for what would happen next. The deer charged, trying to drive Hala away to a safer distance. Hala knew that the does wouldn't back down easily, especially not with their young to protect. Perhaps she could intimidate them from a safer distance, but the doe that had been there first showed no sign of moving, inching ever closer to Hala instead.

Hala knew she had to stand her ground and show the deer she wouldn't be intimidated. It was clear she would have to confront them to drive them away, but an ambush would be ineffective now. She wasn’t heartless enough to abandon the fawn without its mother. Deep down, she understood that fear could easily overwhelm any instinct. The urge to protect the young should be enough to spur her into action. Yet, Hala needed to make a decision quickly; with each passing moment, the doe edged closer, stomping and snorting. Neither the wolf nor the deer seemed willing to waver, steadfast in their own choices.

The she-wolf remained steadfast when the doe approached, her resolve unshaken. She understood that she would need to confront the fawn to drive it back to the herd, hoping its mother would follow. Though it was a delicate task, she preferred this approach over taking a life she didn't wish to end. With her ears perked and her gaze fixed on the doe, another low growl emerged from her throat. Hala observed intently, and that's when the doe suddenly charged. The move surprised Hala, but the wolf stood her ground. She growled and crouched low in the tall grasses, keeping a close watch. In response, powerful back legs propelled her into action.

The two were so engrossed in one another that Hala snapped her jaws, clicking her teeth together in an attempt to scare off the agitated herbivore. She was also aware of the doe’s hooves, which could inflict as much harm as her own bites. While some encounters could be fatal, others might simply serve as warnings. Hala sincerely hoped for the latter, as she had no desire to maim or kill a creature that would ultimately go to waste. Such actions were entirely against her principles, and she resolved not to allow herself to engage in them.

As the doe reared up, Hala quickly dodged to the side but felt the impact when the doe landed back on the ground. Snapping her jaws at the doe's hooves, she remained vigilant for any movement from the other. Her ears flattened against her skull as she growled menacingly. A hoof struck her shoulder, sending a wave of pain coursing through her, while the doe also felt the sting from Hala's teeth sinking into her slender front leg. Hackles raised, they faced each other, an intense standoff. Hala thought that if she snapped her teeth at the doe’s leg again, it might scare her away. She did just that, but the doe stood her ground, torn between defending herself and going back to her herd. For a brief moment, they remained locked in this tense stalemate.

What felt like hours had actually only been about an hour of the predator and prey darting back and forth. Growing bored, Hala began to move away, but the doe followed closely behind her. That's when Hala turned and growled, chasing the deer back towards the herd. She launched herself at the doe, making sure to miss more often than not, while staying alert for any kicks from the deer’s hooves. The doe kept running, panting heavily as she tried to maintain her composure. Eventually, she turned back with a defeated snort, stamping her hooves in frustration.

Word Count = 880 of 800.

Hala Indigo
table coding by bunni ♥

Hala's Speach - speech
Thoughts (voices) - voices
Stephens Speach- stephens voice

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1. Rotten Souls The God's Garden 09:33 AM, 08-29-2024 10:08 PM, 09-14-2024