
argue with the baby sitter



Young Fatalis

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

Beginner Fighter (0)

08-29-2024, 06:11 PM
Her Poppa’s Akita had once again taken her to the beach where she could really stretch her wings and her paws. The first few times she had just been exploring the area and getting to know the sands. This time she was interested in the trees that lined the landscape. The little girl walked beside the protective dog, her silvery eyes gazing up at the unimpressive canopy, they weren’t nearly as tall as the ones further inland. Still, if she could manage to get her arms around them she could surely scale it. Her little tufted ears twitched as the gears began turning in her mind.

Like she could read her thoughts, the dog put a pale paw against Odette’s dark wing. ”I don’t think that’s a very good idea, young mistress.” Immediately the winged pup’s heart sank as she turned to look back at her babysitter with pleading eyes. She lived to climb trees and be high in the air, and to both be in the tree and on her favorite beach sounded like a dream come true. She pouted her little lip a bit as she turned on the puppy dog eyes. ”Oh, please? I’ll be careful I promise!” She begged softly, lifting a little leopard paw and wagging her short tail.

The white marked dog looked at her sternly, she had been tasked with the very important mission of keeping the special wolf pup in complete safety while she was away from her fathers or the supervision of Basilisk or Ignita. She needed much more than sad little eyes to get past the dog’s over protectiveness. She was too loyal to Hikaru to let anything happen to this unique little girl, especially not allowing her to climb up palm trees. They just looked more dangerous than regular branches of trees.

”No, these trees are much different from what you’re used to. I can’t help you down as well as one of your fathers.” She insisted on explaining her point so the girl might accept the answer just a little bit better. Odette still was having none of it though, other than just not having supportive branches it wasn’t so much different than regular trees. Her leopard like legs could certainly be used in scaling the palm. The girl looked back up it, assessing the bark texture and the height of it.

”They’re not that different.” Odette argued back, her silver eyes keeping far away from the Akita’s sharp gaze. She knew that she was starting off weak. ”I’ce climbed taller trees where their first branches were taller than these trees.” Odette followed up a little more strongly, but flinched at the look the dog gave her at the admission. ”I’ll just climb up really fast and come back down! I can’t stay up there anyway.” She tried to continue to eek her way into permission. She knew that if she disobeyed the akita too much that she wouldn’t be allowed to come out here anymore. That punishment would be far too harsh.

”No, Odette.” The dog said with finality in her tone, stomping a tiny paw. ”I’ll not have you getting hurt on my watch.” Her brows furrowed and her hackles raised, showing just how serious she was. Odette thought it only had to be because she didn’t have any better argument. She knew the pup had a point. The girl was crestfallen though, and her tufted tipped ears fell along with her tail and her wings drooped at her side. The dog sighed heavily. ”Just be patient, your fathers will bring you out and then you can try and convince them.” The Akita wasn’t going to promise anything except she wasn’t letting the girl get hurt while she was watching her. ”We came here for the beach, not the palm trees, so don’t look so down.” The dog tried to smile and nuzzle the pup under her chin, trying to cheer her back up.

Then it was Odette’s turn to sigh as she let the dog lift her chin and her silvery gaze went back up to the palm fronds above them longingly. She just wanted to be up high… But the dog was right. They had come here intending to enjoy the beach. She huffed and turned away from the tantalizing heights and let her eyes return to the horizon and the endless expanse of ocean. A wicked grin came over her features as she took off and started to race for the water. ”That means I get to go swimming instead, right?” She called over her shoulder as her leopard-like legs carried her over the dark sand beach and the panicked Akita raced after her.
