
follow me, band of royalty

Nikolaos, Enyo, Atticus, Zephyros, Kronos, Medusa/Enki



Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dragon Mod

08-31-2024, 01:39 AM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2024, 01:39 AM by Kronos. Edited 1 time in total.)

One by one, they had each practically given Niko a what for. Kronos sat back, however, as he watched his dear brother earn the ire of the family. This was not the time to play games. They had to make a good appearance, and so far, Niko wasn't faring so well now, was he? Even so, The Bone Queen did make her arrival, however quiet it was. And he suspected she had witnessed the interaction amongst themselves. He couldn't help the smirk that played on his lips as she got into Niko's personal space, a playful remark slipping from her white mask before she stepped back and addressed them, welcoming them all to Insomnia. Indeed, it would make a welcome respite after all the tiresome travel, and he was eager to get on and see what this pack had to offer.

Erebos, of course, would speak for them. Telling her that they were grateful for the acceptance into the pack, however quick it was. Clearly she trusted Erebos to some degree. How long had they known each other, he wondered? He had talked a bit about her, but their main goal had been to get here and seek out the packs protection first and foremost. Perhaps something he would press about later, but for now, formalities were in order. "We are grateful for your acceptance, Queen Medusa. It has been a long and tiresome journey, and I am so very much appreciative of your hospitality." He offered a respectful bow to The Daemon. A little too formal, perhaps? Regardless, it was simply how he was. Whether it was to hide intentions or show his true gratitude, well, none would ever truly know. Still, she was offering them something they did not have. At least, not yet.

Still, there was something that had been neglected. Whether or not it was his place, he decided it was only the polite thing to do, after all. "Seeing as how we will be under your wing from now on, allow me to introduce us." He grinned as he lifted his head, "My name is Kronos. That there is Atticus, Nikolaos, Enyo, and Zephyros. We look forward to the future within Insomnia, and as Erebos said, we are all grateful to be here." He motioned to each sibling in turn as he named them off. Hopefully, his formalities would earn some favor with The Queen of Bones. After all, he still knew little of her other than the little he had learned. He didn't want her to feel offended by not offering their names.
