
Until the end of days

Basilisk x Ignita wedding



Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
09-01-2024, 11:41 PM

Ignita watched as the crumbling towers loomed ever closer. It was a fantasy scene she would never get used to. She had been so naive and awestruck the first two times she had arrived here, this time was no different. She glanced at the children as they all saw the castle and saw her delight echoing through most if not all of them.

After the typical welcome pleasantries and getting everyone to their rooms, another check on Jamie, and another stern talking to everyone else to mind their manners (Selene, stay where they can see you for sun's sake). Telling them things like stay on the first floor, mind Spider, all the works. She was finally able to step back and let the babysitters have at the gaggle of munchkins while she got ready.

She entered the hallway, suddenly feeling alone. It was both refreshing and... startling. Determined to keep moving forward she started to head toward the room where she was to get ready. Yara would be waiting for her there. Then she saw a shadow coming from behind her. Who was this?

“I heard you had no one to walk you down the aisle, granddaughter.”

She turned with a quiet gasp, to see the Elder Fatalis, Sirius, the heart of the line she had already furthered and was now about to officially join.

“Sirius! I… I don’t, no.” She replied half startled. He leaned down, and she felt him kiss her crown, she didn’t know what to make of it until he said,

“You and I are already family, and I cherish the gift of great-grandbabies. It would be my honour to walk you forward if you’ll have me.”

Oh… Oh! Already the warm tears welled up in her eyes. This was a gift she had no idea she would receive. She had already tried her best to tuck away the grief of having that space be empty beside her. Then here, the grandfather of Basilisk offered to fill that place.

She quickly tried to wipe them away and nodded emphatically.

“Yes… Yes! I would very much appreciate it.” She sniffed. The grief of her absent family of origin would weigh upon her more this day than perhaps any other.
“Thank you. I will treasure every second of it.”

She heard her name being called down the hall and smiled warmly at him. With a wave of her tail, she quickly went to her room to get ready.

Yara helped get Ignita properly cleaned up, scrubbed, and groomed until her pale fur was shining and luxurious. Overwhelmed by the beauty of it all, Ignita was constantly wiping tears away from her face until she felt she could cry no more. Tears of joy, and trepidation, of that ever-loud grief of not having a mother or other family known to her, an orphan, welcomed so fully and completely even by Sirius Fatalis himself.

With an inward breath, she stepped back from the mirror to take herself in. Her engagement necklace shone around her neck and laid over her chest. Was she ready? Will she ever be? One way to find out.

It was time. She enters the hallway again, a pleasant crown of honeysuckle encircles her head. She spied Seer patiently waiting for her and was surprised when he tucked a desert flower behind her ear. Well, that started another wave of quiet water works.

“How did you know?” She asked quietly, wiping another wet tear away as quickly as it appeared. It didn’t really matter but she was always full of questions.

“Us old wolves have to keep some secrets” He replied and she closed her eyes in silent thanks.

When she got a hold of herself, once again, she let him lead her out of the castle and down the path, toward where everyone was waiting. Somehow Spider was able to wrangle the littles into behaving. Honestly, the littles behaved for them the best. Yara followed after them and took an empty seat.

And suddenly… He was there. And she was here. And the great chasm between them looked long and so… so full of others with all their eyes on her, but feeling Seer next to her, reminded her of just who was standing under the beautiful arbor. Waiting for her. She glanced up at the elder with a sheepish thankful smile and began her careful walk down the aisle, his gentle, powerful presence guiding her.

As she walked, her dainty paws carrying her, suddenly it didn’t matter who was looking at her, or why. Just him, his towering blue painted deep night fur and his hungry cerulean eyes were all that mattered. Everything else melted away. He looked so dashing, so noble standing there. He dwarfed everyone around him. A sight to behold and he was hers.

Before she knew it she was standing beside him, in front of Artorias and under the delphinium and honeysuckle arbor. Her smile was only half teary but all joy.

She swallowed shyly and steadied her breathing. She wanted to say how handsome he was, or even a quiet hello, but she was trying so hard not to runaway only to hide. So she dipped her head to him demurely. And turned to Artorias to begin their vows.

"Basilisk" | "Ignita"

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]