
I got fire in my soul


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (105)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

09-02-2024, 01:05 AM

There will come a soldier

His tail seemed to only pick up speed when Art started laughing. No way was he gonna be mad or in trouble if his uncle was laughing. His little triangle ears perked as Art spoke and he watched him move. Though his eyes became confused when Art traded him out a wood piece for the awesome weapon he had previously had.

A flip of his ears direction as he glared at the floor. He had like how that other one was kind of shiny. The leather hadn't tasted good but had kind of felt nice as he chewed on it. Plus the words Art had. But he had picked it up somewhat hadn't he? Wasn't he big enough now? His eyes returned to normal though as he looked back up at Art. He nodded anyway though and gave his uncle a soft "okay".

But then an offer was made and Titus was jumping up in excitement. He was gonna get to help! "Yes, yes, yes! I swear I'll be the best helper uncle Art!" he made his way over and with the enthusiasm of a pup ready to learn at their first day of school stood listening. Pedal. Step on it. Alot. And they would sharpen the sword!

He nodded and with eyes narrowing on the pedal he braced. Pouncing on it carefully. Then he was bouncing his front half on it to try to get enough weight and pressure on the pedal to help Art work. Though he wasn't looking at much else other than the sword and the starting to spin grind wheel.

Walk, "Talk", Think

He will slay you with His tongue
He will tear your city down

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.