
I'm gonna burn brighter every time you throw me in the fire


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-02-2024, 03:51 AM


So, he wasn't kidding. This pack was actually led by a polar bear. Although she believed him entirely, she couldn't help but want to see it for herself. How had a bear of all things risen their way to the top of a bunch of wolves? Unless, perhaps, this pack wasn't all wolves? That seemed like a strange thought, but she supposed not entirely impossible. Not to mention, the man before her looked much like a bear himself. Maybe he was the one that was confused, living with a bunch of bears. Widow decided not to judge, fearing the wrath of a pack of bears coming down upon her home.

Listening to his speech, they sounded harmless enough. Perhaps good allies, certainly not enemies. The last thing she wanted was to be on their bad side, regardless of how many bears may be in the pack. "Hellborn is a home for the strange, the odd, and the rejected. Those that may not fit in elsewhere and are perhaps a little rougher around the edges than others are willing to tolerate," she said, choosing her words carefully but being equally as careful not to lie. Hellborn was not a place for the faint of heart or the innocent and she wouldn't play it off as such just to make them look better than they were. "We're fairly new, but we do have a fair amount of cannabis to go around," she added with a chuckle.

Blended with beauty and blessed by the divine
─ by Skelle !
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022