
Two hearts are better than one

Ares 1


12-19-2013, 09:35 AM

He could not deny how much he enjoyed hearing her say his name, at the beginning of his life he would have never imagined taking up residence with a she wolf adopted by his father. He had always thought he would be with Artemis for the rest of their lives. How things changed so much. He would wear a small grin as he became comfortable around her, their body heat mingling enticingly. Her head would pull back slightly as she made room for them to gaze at each other, their eyes would meet as her gentle words filled their thicket. He had missed her during his sickness, and was so glad to be back in her arms.
He was incredibly grateful that he had not passed along the awful illness that had overtaken him such a short time ago. He was unsure how he had recovered so entirely but he would not complain about his health anymore. Now was the time to enjoy being with the one he could have so easily lost had he been any more diseased. He would take in her eyes, wanting to drink up every moment with her. I've missed you like crazy. He would nuzzle her in reassurance, I believe I've made a full recovery, I don't feel like I'm about to die anymore. He'd smile as her form pressed against his own, his lavender gaze would disappear as he closed his eyes to help preserve the memory. It felt incredible to share in her body heat, to enjoy the closeness they shared.
He could feel something inside of him rear up as her playful nips found their way to his fur, her motions sending ripples of shivers from ever spot. What was it about her that caused his body to so misbehave? He would return her kisses tentatively afraid that if he were to boisterous she
would disappear from his grasp. Devya, I don't know if I've told you,
he would whisper into her shadowy ears, But, you are absolutely beautiful. He would push his crown closer to hers, only wanting to somehow be even closer.

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