The girl takes the plant while Iris digs into the moist soil. She grabbed a part of the plant and separated the rhizome from the others, making sure it would also hold a healthy sprig with it. Now that she was close to the plant she could smell the citrus scent mixed with the lily fragrance she had initially noticed.
"Ohh! Zhis was the fruit scent you noticed. Oui, petite chou! (little cutie) You may keep it, and zhis is pour toi aussi...for you also, I mean." She replied and offered a small section of the plant with a few small shoots attached to a few healthy roots.
"Zhe root has many excellen qualities. Zhe other parts, including zhe berries, can give one terribull tummy upsets." She mentioned. She wasn't used to finding them fresh, she mainly knew them from description and dried.