
If you wanna get out alive




Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

09-03-2024, 01:31 AM

I'll take another hit to the backbone

Bae didn't give two fucks who stayed or went, if he died or survived. All he cared was that Lucy and Beauregard got their freedom and got their asses home. His language was all snarls and battle rage right now. He could hear the words thrown at Luce, and he went to round on the basted that dared disrespect her, dared claim to have no fear, fuck his dog that was a lesson to be taught.

Though the moment he turned he was slammed into, a snarl of frustration and hiss of pain coming from his lungs. The distraction had cost him. He could hear the rib as it cracked, but he was still in this shit. He'd thought his cousin the demon king, but in this moment every drop of Asmodeus blood in his veins was showing. He may of forsaken the name but one couldn't run from their blood.

He rounded on his assailant and dug fangs into his face, a quick movement ripping flesh from his face. Blood dripped from bae's jaws and he let the flesh drop with it as the bastard squealed and back peddled. Heh, served him right. These slavers had played with fire and were getting burnt.

He ignored the pleading and with his eyes narrowed and tail lifted he stalked towards him. He wasn't letting him live. He lunged and went for the now terrified bastards throat. It wasn't hard. In fact taking life was easy for him in his state.

His dog from a glance seemed to have one upped the two on him. Using his more miniscule size and speed to get the two to run into each other, and seemed the dog had backed up towards Beau. Good those two could work together. There were three still circling Bae and he gave a snarl, pulling his lips back and wrinkling his nose. He was fighting like he was possessed by the devil himself. He launched at one and had two biting into his side and hock as he clamped his jaws on the third's shoulder. He wanted to wrench it, to break it like his own had been before. He set to work ignoring the shit trying to drag him by his hock and the bitch trying to rip flesh from near his spine. They'd get their turns.

Inside the camp ruby had set the last free and she had flown gracefully after Lucy. She aimed to land on her shoulder, trying to keep her already cold feet from the frozen ground as she set to making a cooing type noise and to preen Lucy's scruff. The bird had few she was affectionate with and Lucy classified. Though her distress had the bird worried. The bird obviously didn't like that she was still inside the slavers huts and camp.

Walk, "Talk", Think

I'm picking up the heat like an atom bomb

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.