
Cost too much, reigning too high


12-19-2013, 02:27 PM

Hajime couldn't help to feel furious, he didn't want to be at Taurig, but he was. All the same his choice to leave the mans rule, after seeing all he had after being visited by his mother in his dreams. The kingdom would be revived by himself, with his collection and collecting his family. Or not, since they were in the other packs, figuratively making him at a stand still on those matters. It made him suddenly lock his jaw, growling deeply at the fraustration with the event that had transpired. Regardless of Taurig being blind, being castrated he could not agree with the choice of handing Tortuga over to the ice king. Why not one of the allies instead, yet it was such a stupid thing. They had moved however making the king free to roam the place he once called home.
Hajime closed his red eyes, flicking his black tail back and forth. Standing on a dead log, near the volcano as he watched the dark clouds rise from its mouth. His ears stood tall, he was definitely held with lots more confidence, more anger more strife within himself. He had his uncle he needed to protect, he needed to train to become the king that he was urging himself to be. Though with the mistake he couldn't forgive on Taurig's half. There was himself, within the past of the blood across his snout. He'd live a thousand lives for his elder brother, tainted upon the dark hearts of these heathens. He was strong, he was going to be a king, and let his family live on in an aristocratic type of pack. The only task, was to find those willing to follow him, that including having his family join him in the process.
