sedimental rock collection
Storm Herald
Master Navigator (306)
Master Intellectual (260)
5 Years
Something tickled at the back of her mind that perhaps once Ashen had dwelled here. When she compared the caves to those on Dove Island, she supposed it might track. She was sure her Uncle had moved away from the rocks and back towards the coast to offer his wives a safe sanctuary away from the mainland, and that was still an option for them too (she was sure Gilgamesh would appreciate a stretch of water separating them from any that might wish them harm).
The movement of black and white caught her eye and her head tipped, wondering if the distinctive markings made this wolf some sort of distant relative? After all, it seemed so many had some tie to her mother's family, they had infiltrated most families like some sort of plague. She would reserve her judgement, however, as a youthful voice asked if she was out exploring. She inclined her head in acknowledgement. "Just contemplating whether the risk of flash flooding outweighs the shelter of the caves." She indicated towards a pile of driftwood.
She knew of Insomnia, it had been one of the first raids Gilgamesh had led when he formed the pack, but she hadn't been present so didn't recognise the scent on him. "Have you travelled far?"