
The broken bones of yesterday


03-12-2013, 12:12 AM

Thank you Lube ♥

Darkness had encompassed the land and silence followed suit as the daytime creatures retired for the night, granting the nighttime lurkers their time to come out and play in the moonlight. The petite beauty had always sought adventure at this time, and though it was dangerous, especially for one as pallid as she who had difficulty blending in with the shadows, she adored being a night owl and faced the challenge of stalking random creatures just to observe their activity. Although spying was a dangerous sport, the suspense that came with the possibility of being caught had her crawling back for more every night; she could not help but fall victim to the adrenaline?s addictive qualities. Just the way that it coursed so smoothly within her veins and the tingling sensation that accompanied it was enough to render her foolish with following monstrous creatures that could send her flying through the air with just one flick of their paw should they prove to look upon her spying with disdain. But she simply did not care ? fear was a feeling that she had shunned so long ago. Even creeping upon the behemoth of a wolf that stalked the frigid air who appeared far more bear-like than canine-like did not scare the wench; it excited her. However anxious she was for the outcome of her little stalking session, she would refuse to allow it to show and break her cover; she remained collected and utilized bushes and trees to lurk behind and never followed too closely. No ? she was always at least a hundred feet from the monstrosity.

Her breath began to condense as the temperature decreased with every step she took in the direction the other had been traveling, trekking upon unfamiliar turf though intrigued with these new surroundings. She made it her duty not to fawn too much over the change in scenery and, instead, kept her focus upon the ashen-hued bitch before her who remained silent and oblivious to her presence, seemingly too absorbed in her own thoughts to notice what was going on in the world around her. It was not until she approached a sort of metal haven that the brutish goliath halted in her tracks, causing Morphine to do the same, but only for a moment. Curiosity drew her nearer not only to the wench, but to the fragments of what only appeared to be some man-made machinery that she couldn?t identify very well.

The crackling of a frozen twig beneath her forepaw broke her from her trance, internally panicking with the invitation to failure and detection from the bitch. Fortunately for the pallid Machiavellian, the beast before her simply twitched an ear, though didn?t seem to pick up on the sound that Morphine had been so sure would blow her cover. She retreated a few steps, very cautiously lifting her paws one by one as she backpedaled to avoid further mistake. Her luck, however, shifted within mere seconds, and her own auditory system soon flooded with the threatening growls that rattled the beast?s larynx and shattered the eerie silence. Hesitation ensued, and after an internal battle of fight or flight, her pride got the better of her and Morphine allowed a guttural grunt to spew from her parted jaws to notify the wench of her presence. Adopting her trademarked warrior?s stance, she sauntered closer to the wench, shooting daggers at the twig who had ruined her fun as she passed it.

Evening, she spoke lightly, her vocals so sickeningly polite that it almost made her gag. Name's Morphine. Might I ask who you are?
