
Packed Punch

open fight



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-09-2024, 11:08 PM

Ellara Praetor

Enyo's gaze fixated on Medusa as the skeletal queen moved with predatory grace, forcing Alaric to submit beneath her lithe frame. As the scene unfolded before her, Enyo’s heart thudded against her broad chest, her admiration for Medusa deepening. Perhaps this pack would be worth her time, after all.

So she has teeth after all... Enyo mused. Her posture remained as commanding as ever, head held high, chest broad and sturdy, but something subtle shifted in her demeanor. Medusa had proven her strength, her ability to dominate a male. It wasn’t every day Enyo saw a female bring a male to his knees. She also ruled over the men in her family- a feat that Enyo, despite her masculine build and physical prowess secretly envied.

The towering warlord inhaled the coppery tang that clung to the battlefield. She stepped forward, paws sinking slightly into the blood-stained earth, her intense eyes locking with Medusa’s dual-toned gaze. There was no hint of reluctance in her body as the queen offered the invitation to spar. If anything, the idea thrilled her. Her pulse quickened, though her calm, collected exterior remained intact.

"Well done," Enyo spoke, her tone thick and deliberate, a rare compliment from someone of her pride. "You fight with both grace and ferocity. I would love nothing more than to experience it firsthand."

Her gaze lingered on Medusa for a moment, admiration dancing behind her piercing eyes. It had been rare for Enyo to witness a female command such dominance over a male, and the sight fueled her internal fire. There was no denying the respect Medusa had earned today.

Stepping forward, Enyo’s imposing frame cast a shadow over the blood-soaked ground, muscles rippling beneath her fur. Her bobbed tail twitched slightly, the remnants of a past battle long forgotten by all but her. Enyo lowered her head as she accepted the challenge.

“Very well, Medusa. Let us see if you can make me submit,” she growled, her voice laced with both confidence and challenge. There was no bitterness in her tone, only the thrill of competition. "I will not go easy on you. I hope you do not go easy on me. I've never been scared of my own blood. " Enyo’s lips curled into a dangerous smile of her own. She took a slow, deliberate step forward, her thick mane bristling with excitement. She could feel the weight of her power, the raw energy that thrummed beneath her skin. The blood roared in her ears from her pounding heart.

Spilling blood was her favorite sport.

The battlefield’s verdant beauty felt distant now, overtaken by the thrill of the hunt. The thick air buzzed with anticipation as Enyo shifted her weight, preparing her massive, muscular limbs for the imminent clash. This would be a dance of power and prowess, but more than that, it was a test of her worthiness. Enyo was no stranger to the weight of expectation, and as she locked eyes with Medusa, her breath quickened with excitement, not dread.

In this moment, they were equals. Two predators bound by strength, ambition, and a hunger for more.

Once she was sure Medusa agreed and was ready she would strike.

Enyo surged forward, her massive paws digging into the earth, muscles rippling beneath her rugged pelt. She charged headlong at Medusa, her size and strength propelling her forward like an unstoppable force. Her jaws parted, revealing gleaming teeth as she aimed just below Medusa’s throat. At the part where Medusa's neck connected with her chest and shoulder. Hoping to use her sheer size and momentum to clamp onto such an advantageous spot and pull the woman down.

Enyo’s fighting style was pure aggression, a relentless onslaught that relied on brute strength and unyielding pressure. There was no finesse, no elegance, just the raw, primal urge to outlast, overwhelm, and dominate.

Her breath came out in powerful bursts as she lunged, snapping her jaws with brutal precision, aiming to drive Medusa back with each powerful strike. Pain was no deterrent to her... It only fueled her. Enraged her. Excited her. The world around her blurred into insignificance as her focus honed in entirely on Medusa. She would attack until one of them was forced to submit, and she had no intention of it being her.

She would prove her worth to this new queen.

But beneath the muscle and fury, there was something more, an acknowledgment that Medusa was different... perhaps even worthy of the respect Enyo so rarely granted.

ENYO vs Medusa for Spar
Round 1/?
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Canine caps
Companion 1: Peregrine Falcon, Female - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: None




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated