
I got fire in my soul


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (105)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

09-10-2024, 06:27 PM

Little soldier boy

His Uncle's word had him stopping his motions and sitting with a perplexed expression. Wasn't stabbing and slicing kind of the same thing? He could do both with his claws, and he lifted a paw and extended his claws examining them as he thought. His claws were kind of like tiny swords in a way weren't they? The were sharp and could slice and cut, yet also could stab into things. He retracted them and looked back at the work he and Artorias were doing. He'd have to ask him in a moment about why they didn't make tiny swords for paws. They'd definitely be lighter and easily taken everywhere one went. Plus if one paired them with leather or metal guards they could be used defensively too.

He watched as his uncle eyed the sword's sharpness and he lowered his head to mimic the eyeballing. He had no clue what to look for but he did it regardless. When Art nodded and motioned for Titus to move across the room he did as he was asked with his little tail lifted and wagging. Every step was silent and he grinned from ear to ear as he waited and watched from the safe spot his uncle asked him to. His ears pricked listening to his uncle's answer on how to test a sword's sharpness. His fiery orbs growing excited as he Watched his uncle approach the dummy. When he slashed it and the clank of the wood happened his eyes sparkled with the wow of the movement his uncle did. "WOWWWWW!" The amazement clear on his face. Ok he definitely liked that. Then he was moving closer and As soon as Art was on his level and explaining what they were supposed to look for after testing it he lowered his head and narrowed his eyes on the blade. Warps, none, check. Cracks, that looked kind of like a scratch, maybe might of. Bending, none, it was still straight as it had once been. Chips, he couldn't see any, so check?

He looked up at Art before he spoke again. "Ummmm is that a scratch? Or the start of a crack? Its hard to tell..... Is it okay if it's scratched as well?" He tilted his head and waited patiently for the answer. He could ask his question after the answer was given.

As soon as Art had answered and seemed to have no more answer to give Titus decided now was perfectly timed to ask his question. "So why don't we make tiny swords and attach them to guards for the ankles that way they can be used like my claws and still be defensive in a fight?" His tail wagged and he grinned at his own genius and inventive nature.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Come marching home

help craft a sword 3/3
receive a lesson on sword crafting 2/3

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.