
Binding Fate



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
09-11-2024, 03:22 AM

Phantom was the boy's name, and admittedly, it was suiting. His pelt was a deep ebony that blended seamlessly with the shadows, his presence almost imperceptible against a backdrop of encroaching darkness. Nodding, Rhazien acknowledges his greeting, keeping a casual air of interest- though, the foreboding, undeniable sense of danger that accompanied the Saxe male, was undeniable. A charm that conceals a mind that is always scheming, always plotting.

Reclining onto his haunches, Rhazien settles in for Phantom’s tale. He leans back slightly, tipping his ears in the boy’s direction, offering him his attention- a deliberate sign of contemplation and control. He nods at the appropriate moments, encouraging Phantom through his explanation, while Rhazien is gathering information, dissecting every word and inflection, searching for any hint of weakness or opportunity. But there wasn’t much- aside from this boy seeming to be a masochist. His lips twitched at the thought- not for himself, but for the other insatiable monsters of the hoard.

“If you’ve come looking for a bit of mischief,” Rhazien begins building off Phantom’s statements. “You may find yourself to be… disappointed.” Phantom is toying with a mushroom, but Rhazien keeps his gaze focused on the boy’s eyes. “Sephiran is a volatile, sadistic Sultan- his reputation precedes him.” Rhazien didn’t feel the need to elaborate much further; Phantom had already been assaulted by the male, and forced into the oppressive life of slavery. He'd gotten a glimpse of his depravity. “And those who follow him, are no less hostile.” Rhazien may have been easygoing on the outside, but within, he was a scheming, calculating creature. He was truly no better than the beasts lurking in the shadows of The Syndicate- he was just better at hiding it.

“We pillage. We indulge. We decimate.” A short pause, as he weighs the male’s reaction. “Exploiting the weak, challenging the strong- but we do not stray from the Sultan’s law. We do not question his bouts of insanity, even if he demands we sacrifice in his name.” Expectations that were drilled firmly into the pack members. Do. Not. Go. Against. The. Sultan. "We've made enemies with Empires, soiled linages, devoured souls." A short pause, as Rhazien narrows his eyes slightly. “Is this truly a pack you see yourself aligning with?” Phantom hinted at wolves who were no longer with them, insinuating he played a part in their downfall- but that did not mean it was intentional, or that it was enjoyed.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.