
What have I done, what have I become.

alo ♥



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-11-2024, 12:40 PM

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue across the landscape. Bright emerald eyes scanned the surroundings as a yawn escaped her lips. Months had slipped by, and she had been focused on her own path, forming alliances as she saw fit. Yet some lingered in her mind, leaving her feeling a bit uneasy. She trusted them, but not to the fullest extent; building alliances required time and patience. It had nearly been a year since everything had changed. She quickly pushed those thoughts aside, determined to avoid letting them affect her. Despite knowing the feeling of regret would linger, she still struggled with it. Another yawn escaped her as she felt the earth tremble beneath her and dealt with the oppressive heat, though the nights offered a welcome coolness. With sore paws from her recent travels, she pressed on, until the terrain opened up into a sprawling meadow. Ahead, fresh water gurgled melodiously, enhancing the beauty of the scene around her.

An ear flicked on her head as she approached the stream's edge, quenching her thirst with a much-needed drink. Deer observed her warily from a distance. The blonde woman knelt down, letting her stomach graze the ground, the grass brushing against her sides and legs, teasing her with gentle tickles. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she took in her surroundings. A wave of transformation washed over her repeatedly, fueled by the warm breeze. Identification was no longer the sweet woman many remembered from last year; she had become more grounded, shaped by the realities of life. Her body bore new scars from failed hunts and battles for survival, reminders of her struggles. Now, she faced an important decision—whether to form a pack, challenge for one, or join an existing group. This question often replayed in her mind, and she knew she would have to choose eventually. However, she also had other tasks to attend to. For now, she would rest and unwind as much as a rogue could.

As she gazed into the water, her eyelids began to droop. Suddenly, a sound jolted her back to attention. "Show yourself," she commanded, her tone a mix of gentleness and seriousness. She refused to be caught off guard. Rising to her feet, she stood tall as the moon ascended majestically in the night sky. With a calm vigilance, she scanned the surroundings, her head lowered but her tail relaxed, signaling that while she would not shy away from a fight if necessary, she was not looking for trouble. "I doubt you would like to be snuck up on or stalked and watched from the shadows of the night."


table coding by bunni ♥