
What have I done, what have I become.

alo ♥



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-11-2024, 07:33 PM

Oh would she ever get threw to this stubborn thick headed brute, probably not. But here he was, the Erebos she had no need to remember. Honestly the womans heart ached for the Erebos that she played with at the beach, but he was gone. She made sure of that. Surely she didn't mean too. But he wouldn't understand that, not at all. Why would he care to take the time to see a womans point of veiw. After all she did give him her virginity, and he had given her his. What had changed, what had caused her to attack him like she did. She sat there however and listened to him speak. His voice colder, leaest she understood where he was coming from. But why was he here watching her from the darkness of the shadows? That question had the lady's mind swirling around like the wind on a cold hard day.

She sat there in silence for a little while longer, before words fell from ebony lips. ""You hate me and have every reason to Erebos. I wont deny that. Our own war we have with one another needs to end." She turned to him, looking at him over her shoulders, her blonde coat appearing slightly darker due to the moon climbing slowly higher and higher. "I did not state that you are a pet to anyone Erebos. You are too head strong and powerful for that." Everyone and anyone that had meant Erebos known that from day one. She wasn't blind nor stupid. "I do however want this tension between us to end."

To be fair, Identification was correct. The war between the two of them did need to end. They were both pretty stupid to allow the stupidity of her actions to seperate everyone. So she had done what was best. To remove herself from the situation for as long as she did. She should have just stayed away. That she is coming to understand. Replaying his words within her mind, she looked to the brute. "Either you fuck me like you hate me or just kill me right here were we are sitting Erebos. I have told you I have fucked up. And almost died due to it, are you that blind to not see?" Identifications voice lowered softly. Although that wasn't the reason she was here, her eyes turning out to the meadows which infact grew darker before turning to him once more.

"I was stupid Erebos. For allowing that of jealousy to come between us. For me to mark you like I have. I deal with that day in and day out. I've avoided running into you for what a damn year? And yes, I still beat myself up. Finding ways - anyway to end the pain that I have caused. I wish you known how fucking much I loved you, I also wish my apologies were good enough. That they mattered to you. That I still mattered." Drawing in a deep breath. "But my appologies will never mend this broken what ever this is. We both know this. I was stupid, young and careless. I wasn't thinking clearly. I wanted you for myself Erebos. And that, that right there is what caused this bullshit. This turmoil!"

Her voice raised slightly but not completely - but also shakey, her attention fell back to him. Was it so bad that she still loved the hell out of the masculine known as Erebos? Or should Identification just get up and leave. Not knowing if she wanted to hear what he had to say, a hard swallow, as if whiskey slid down her throat. "Can we move on from the past Erebos? Can we forget what had happened and build a strong alliance?" The fae was not stupid she known it would take time, but what else did she have right now? What did she have to loose when she's already lost everything?


table coding by bunni ♥